快好知 kuaihz

1. Without you, I still will smile carefree, please don't think that you have more memorable. 2. Without you, I still will smile carefree, please don't think that you. 3. Thumbing a lift had once a carefree, easy-going image. 4. He's a carefree fellow who bears his responsibilities lightly. 5. Chantal remembered carefree past summers at the beach. 6. She had made their childhood so joyous and carefree. 7. I remember my carefree student days. 8. She daydreamed about a carefree vacation. 9. This carefree interlude reacted upon the young people like wine. 10. He thought back to the carefree days of his childhood. 11. Julio Cesar Chavez has a carefree, almost childlike demeanor. 12. His carefree choreography freed something in them, as well. 13. Add a new dimension to carefree cruising. 14. He looked happy and carefree. 15. They both laughed, feeling like two carefree schoolgirls. 16. Gone were the carefree, witty passages written in the first person, the conversational style, the caustic bitter comments. 17. The contrast between Dysart's carefree existence and his own would have been too much to bear. 18. Carefree holidays amid breathtaking scenery in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. 19. I felt carefree for the first time in my life. 20. I never pictured angels as carefree children, naked in their happiness. 21. It appears on the menus of upscale Phoenix-area restaurants, including the Boulders Club in Carefree. 22. Susan and Mary Lee probably needed more patience and carefree love than our particular family had to give. 23. But it is certain companies asking bankers to restructure loans will never return to former carefree days. 24. Fans turned up to gigs in ridiculous anoraks, sold fanzines with names like Frothy Pop and pretended they were carefree 18-year-olds. 25. His redeeming qualities are his keen aesthetic sense and his carefree response to failure. 26. Herbert was then twenty-eight and no doubt set in his carefree ways. 27. He in turn seemed to enjoy her conversation as a reminder of a more elegant and carefree prewar world. 28. Consider the case of the stereotypical Californian - tall, fit, bronzed, driving carefree down the freeway. 29. After our dour 3-0 defeat against Leech, we certainly had that carefree spirit in our midweek encounter with champions Gosling Celtic. 30. By most people's standards Marilyn Monroe was fairly uninhibited; bathing infrequently, and belching and farting with carefree abandon.