快好知 kuaihz

61 Just pinch them off and plant in seed compost, which should be kept barely moist in a bright, warm place. 62 These damaging pests have found that your compost bin is a lovely place to hide and shelter. 63 Dip the base into a hormone rooting compound and insert into a free-draining compost. 64 We're betting that next year he too will be making compost. 65 The compost is topped with a layer of pea gravel. 66 The species of tomato they chose to grow in the banknote compost is called money maker. 67 Water thoroughly then mulch with a generous layer of peat, composted bark or garden compost. 68 Garden rubbish was accepted free of charge, and turned into compost, bagged and put on sale at the tips. 69 The addition of finely-sifted compost or leaf-mould to the bottom layer with gravel or unwashed coarse sand is ideal. 70 The little creatures have an endless appetite, and a digestive system that turns almost anything into perfect compost. 71 Water in the compost, using a fine rose on a watering can trying to avoid disturbing the surface too much. 72 Ferns like a bright position out of strong direct sunlight. Keep compost just nicely moist. 73 The plant's high ash content has led to its use for manure, and its conversion into compost. 74 Instead of tossing my garbage over the deck, I must tend it in a compost heap. 75 You are freed from the tyranny of a limy soil as long as you use an ericaceous compost. 76 Use a small split cane the width of the seed tray to make a series of depressions in the levelled compost. 77 The loss of fertilizer proved to be a blessing in disguise. It forced us to use compost, which is better for the soil and crops. 78 Plant tubers in a 6in tray of moist potting compost so that their tops are just covered. 79 Fill the hole with a mixture of compost and sand. 80 Press one or two pips into each pot. Stand the pot in a saucer and keep the compost moist. 81 An alternative to digging in the green manure in spring is to cut and add the material to the compost heap. 82 It adjusts the heat needed to incubate the egg by adding to or subtracting from the amount of compost piled above it. 83 Give them a slightly acid compost, and don't allow the plants to dry out at all. 84 They include using straw to make compost, paper ... and even chocolate cake. 85 I would tend to favour the first method as you are less likely to let the compost get too wet. 86 There are many types of bin sold to keep the compost area tidy and clean, or you can make your own. 87 You can speed things along by spreading a thin layer of soil and compost over bare areas and planting more grass plugs. 88 Plants can be stood in the plastic trough or, if preferred, set in compost for permanent indoor display. 89 Always remove rose prunings, leaves, blooms and other bits to the fire and not to the compost heap. 90 Check the bowls periodically and give them enough water if necessary to keep the compost evenly damp.