challenging造句61. Investigative child protection interviews are one of the most challenging areas of social work practice.
62. Many hospitals deliberately tried to avoid challenging or openly discouraging the parents' hopes and expectations for a perfect or near-perfect recovery.
63. The only shortfall, he said, was of facilities for patients with very difficult and challenging behaviour.
64. Also, it is usually possible to dispute the facts themselves by challenging the theory involved in their identification.
65. The contradictions that remain are challenging - not only with respect to de Beauvoir's life but also in relation to our own lives.
66. Confrontationalists advocate challenging Roman authority, experimenting with new liturgical forms and creating smaller new communities to replace or supplement traditional parishes.
67. Lachlan was standing quite still, gazing at Marion, who stared right back at him, head high, challenging him.
68. It was nice to have a challenging job waiting for me, but I had mixed emotions as I prepared to leave.
69. The race is challenging enough in normal conditions, but this year the storms had turned the Wye into a torrent.
70. That strategy could be thwarted by a lawsuit challenging expansion financing that is now awaiting review by the state Supreme Court.
71. Locally and nationally, the expanding software and computer applications industrial sector offers challenging and rewarding employment prospects.
72. They had misgivings about Mr Major's diffidence, felt he was not carrying the battle to the strongly challenging enemy.
73. But Natalie has never had the courage to apply her brainpower to a challenging task and stick with it.
74. Thus research into colonic motor function remains a challenging and potentially rewarding area where progress has been facilitated by recent technological advances.
75. Two major petitions have been filed challenging the court's ruling.
76. Your biggest task is to make your true or false statements challenging for your readers.
77. By imposing new policies and challenging traditional methods of decision-making, however, the government has disturbed a number of interests.
78. He is notoriously tough on staff, often challenging them on facts and figures during council meetings.
79. In Toxic Work, I will help you explore ways to create positive change from difficult and challenging situations.
80. Adjusting for quality improvements or consumer substitutions when prices rise is no doubt technically challenging.
81. Several rival revolutionary armies were challenging the central government and each other.
82. Millennium, which is still cutting its teeth on Tucson stages, is boldly determined to present local audiences with challenging productions.
83. This process of reclaiming, revaluing and sometimes challenging traditional conceptions is extremely complex.
84. Teachers must provide challenging activities for their more academic pupils.
85. Then there are the risks of challenging this in authority.
86. G M Miller A highly structured talk on what was probably the most challenging topic in this year's list.
87. The work naturally becomes more analytical and mathematically challenging at this stage.
88. Amateur golfers travel to play, searching out the most challenging courses around the world.
89. One of the hardest expressions of self-assertiveness is challenging your limiting beliefs.Nathaniel Branden
90. Any effective international regulation of nuclear weapons is bound to entail troublesome incursions challenging prerogatives of national sovereignty.