serum造句31 Certain IgG heavy chain markers are associated with the serum concentrations of IgG subclasses.
32 Patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and raised concentrations of serum pepsinogen A are often found to have high serum pepsinogen C values.
33 For gastric acid secretion, basal serum gastrin was considered in addition to these three variables.
34 High values of serum pepsinogen A have also been found during omeprazole treatment.
35 They found that patients with the highest serum gastrin concentrations did not necessarily have the highest enterochromaffin like cell counts.
36 Wrapped in copious instruction leaflets and next to a neat pile of syringes, formidable quantities of snakebite serum had thoughtfully been provided.
37 Serum antibody concentration does not predict toxoplasmic encephalitis and IgM and IgA antibodies to T, gondii are rarely found.
38 The increase in serum albumin was similar in both groups.
39 The serum gastrin concentration was determined by radioimmunoassay using antibody R98.
40 Many researchers have tried to obtain a medium for growing antibodies that is free from calf serum.
41 Renal disease and a variety of other diseases have not been shown to increase serum ferritin levels. 273.
42 Increased basal serum gastrin is related to both atrophy and H pylori infection but not to ageing perse.
43 We also made it clear that both dose and frequency should be adjusted as dictated by serum concentrations.
44 It has been reported that serum cholesterol values are similar in samples from fasting and non-fasting subjects.
45 Because of the small difference between therapeutic and toxic levels in the serum, accurate measurements of lithium concentrations are essential.
46 There was no relationship between the serum gastrin concentration and type of renal replacement treatment.
47 The goal is simply to raise serum sodium enough to obviate the risk of seizures.
48 At the start of each trial, blood samples were collected to establish baseline serum retinol concentrations.
49 This formula takes into account the majority of solutes present in normal serum.
50 This enzyme. labeled complex competes with free unlabeled drug in the serum sample for the binding sites on the antibody.
51 The only sign of this disorder is the splitting of albumin into two distinct bands when serum is subjected to electrophoresis.
52 It remains to be established whether in diabetic patients gall bladder motility is dependent on actual serum glucose concentrations.
53 Iron is present in the serum as a cation and does not contribute. 261.
54 Discussion Patients with coeliac disease who are not receiving treatment have low serum carnitine concentrations.
55 Similarly, patients with low serum albumen due to any cause will have a higher unbound drug fraction.
56 When using the direct serum method, pigmented specimens may cause the appearance of false end-points resulting in positive errors.
57 Most recently, a soluble form of the usually membrane bound ICAM-1 molecule was detected in human serum samples.
58 It would therefore appear that nutritional modifications in themselves have an important effect on serum lipids and lipoproteins.
59 The drug has first-order kinetics only at lower serum levels.
60 Determination of serum ferritin concentrations generally requires immunoassay techniques. 274.