codify造句(1) The latest draft of the agreement codifies the panel's decision.
(2) In 534 the emperor codified the law.
(3) The agreement must still be codified by federal legislation.
(4) It codified democratic rights and freedoms including freedom of speech, assembly and association, and private ownership.
(5) Codifying these transactions and coordinating them through software via the I-way can reduce the complexity of the task.
(6) Earlier the government had approved amendments codifying foreign exchange regulations to enable foreign companies to repatriate profits.
(7) By the end of the month it had been codified into a document which was widely circulated for study among work groups.
(8) In a country without a codified constitution, it is hardly possible to give a definitive answer.
(9) Institutions have regulations, codified systems of behavior, organizational flow charts, and job descriptions.
(10) These lessons were contained in revisions to the constitution and in the explanatory legislation that codified its clauses.
(11) Allowances and Deductions Screens Codified details, start date and actual amounts are entered on to the screen.
(12) It codified previous provisions excluding aliens and added a long list of new categories of persons to be excluded.
(13) It brought forth the age of written constitutions and codified basic rights.
(14) His call for a new spirit of experimental investigation was later codified and converted into a more concrete programme by Francis Bacon.
(15) The purpose for which such financial powers are used are not codified in law.
(16) Would it seek merely to codify the existing case law or to reform on the existing case law?
(17) It is this lack of codified certainty that makes a study of it so fraught with difficulty.
(18) Bargaining is centralized, highly formalized, and wide-ranging with highly codified agreements[Sentence dictionary], and there is extensive joint consultation.
(19) We will codify a new technique.
(20) Second, codify the service use cases into service tests.
(21) The new government promised to codify the laws.
(22) The noble, Dracon, was asked to codify the laws.
(23) The main problem remains the same: how to codify a complex frame of reference.
(24) In effect, the new rules will codify the Republican fantasy that tax cuts do not deepen the deficit.
(25) Codify is marketed as a prototyping and demonstration application, which allows games and interactive effects to be built quickly and easily (and without any knowledge of Objective-C).
(26) New nations from the eighteenth century onward have found it both necessary and useful to codify their constitutions.
(27) In 1941, Roosevelt conceded failure and Congress summoned the courage to codify the date in law.
(28) It would be nice, however, to be able to explicitly codify what an object needs to be able to do to be used within a given function, module, class, or framework.
(29) So and foremost problem to be settled is how to codify and feasible budgetary targets.
(30) A new agreement for the eurozone, negotiated in a calmer atmosphere, should not only codify the practices established during the emergency, but also lay the groundwork for an economic-growth strategy.