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1. He has done experiments comple-mentary to those of Eigen. 2. Mr Eigen plans to wage his war diplomatically. 3. Talk of probability waves and eigen values does not undermine the reality of atoms and molecules. 4. Manfred Eigen put forth the theory of hypercycles. 5. A new applied algorithm is obtained through the eigen decomposition technology. 6. And the coefficients of eigen - expressions were closely related to the circular sets of a directional graph. 7. The solutions to the eigen energy problem in nuclear mean field are investigated. 8. Its effectiveness is compared with eigen matrix transform method and confirmed by computer simulation. 9. Firstly, the eigen vector matrix and eigen value of Jacobian matrix of governing equations for the real gas flows in general curvilinear coordinate system are deduced. 10. The novel definition of eigen - driven mode is given in antenna array analysis by the Moment Method. 11. The front form meson eigen equations are formulated in momentum-helicity representation which hinders its solution in total angular momentum representation. 12. The eigenspace - based ( ESB ) adaptive beamforming algorithm has good performance, but it is computa - tionally expensive because of eigen - decomposition. 13. Finally, a real example of eigen filtering application is presented. 14. We study three simple fitness landscapes of Eigen model from sequence space. 15. SVM that uses eigen faces for face recognition code integrity, has been tested. 16. Using train images, it calculates Eigen values and Eigen vectors with sorting. 17. Ook voegt HTC eigen gratis widgets aan de Android Market coals Parkingtimer, Translator en een ringtone - widget. 18. The generalized eigen analysis is employed to directly and effectively estimate the ellipse parameter vector. The detectability and fitting accuracy are significantly improved. 19. Stiffness matrix and load vector were founded on developing eigen - equation for wall clement and applying principle of virtual work. 20. Covariance velocity spectrum is based on the fact that the sampled data can be arranged in eigen structure of covariance matrix. 21. The mass - normalized mode shapes were obtained from the eigen - sensitivity analysis. 22. Wave attenuation properties of rectangular pontoon breakwater were analyzed with eigen - function expansion. 23. The property of estimation is better than that of the method based on the eigen structure decomposition of a covariance matrix. 24. Effect of damper windings and magnetic saturation of synchronous machine on LFO(Low-Frequency Oscillation) damping are studied with eigen analysis method. 25. At the same time, the approximate expression of the eigen spectrum caused by LSM's rotation and the upper bound disturbed theorem of Learning Subspace are presented. 26. Formerly the FEM perturbation method is to make the same small varieties of mass matrix and stiffness matrix, then calculate changes of system's eigenvalue and eigen vector. 27. Several different types of open cavities are studied, and it is concluded that coaxial open cavity with varying section has the most sparse eigen spectrum. 28. The spin coefficients are determined in terms of the eigen - values of the invariant polarization operator. 29. A shell element model instead of beam element model is used to study the in-plane eigen buckling behavior of I-sectional arches with web openings subject to radially uniformly distributed load. 30. The traditional procedure of conic fitting utilizes the standard Eigen Value Decomposition ( EVD ) algorithm .