deserving造句61. Any unemployed person counts as deserving government help.
62. Dangers from abroad are not less deserving of attention.
63. This is a thought - provoking enterprise , deserving a book on its own.
64. The fleet-footed attacker , though, feels France international Henry was a more deserving winner of the title.
65. Strangely, the yen may be the more deserving of that accolade.
66. The turnover velocity of the receivable account is an index deserving great concern in credit grading in enterprises.
67. CONCLUSION:Central composite design is convenient to use and it has satisfactory predictability thus deserving popularization.
68. Don't waste your life trying to be superwoman or some other mythical creature who is more beautiful, more talented,[www.] more deserving than you.
69. This is a star spangled day, deserving of a gold star on your calendar.
70. None is of freedom or of life deserving unless headily conquers in anew.
71. Call it the Yao Ming Effect, a phenomenon where the towering Rockets' center and his deserving All-Star credentials pull along a freight train filled with his, uh, less-than-glittering teammates.
72. I never directly or intentionally insulted you or anyone else in this thread. totally uncalled for, and deserving of an apology.
73. Well, if that was the case, we'd make the same argument for individuals with low emotional IQ — that maybe they're not as deserving of punishment, not as deserving of culpability, etc.
74. When you feel deserving of love, it becomes a self - ful - filling prophecy.
75. Dr. Conwell decided right then and there what his aim in life was, besides being a man of the cloth, this is. He decided to build a university for the poor, but deserving, youngsters.
76. But in the course are many problems deserving earnest investigation and discussion.
77. A six - year - old child with such an amazing attainment! It is indeed something rare and deserving praise.
78. His conduct is deserving of the highest praise [ the heaviest penalty ].
79. So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward.
80. She had been astonishingly persistent . So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward.
81. Only the body without desire is truly deserving of pleasure.
82. The assumption that such violence afflicts only the poor or deserving is both fatuous and misguided.
83. And it's great fun to see Dafoe so gleefully send up a deserving Hollywood stereotype.
84. Certainly not the best, but viable and deserving some attention.
85. And the nearest I can come to my ideal is punctiliously to pay my bills, be polite to my wife, and contribute to deserving charities: and the program does not seem, somehow, quite adequate.
86. I would not consider such a family, as you described, a deserving of Zakat Al-Fitr or of Zakat Al-Mal.