快好知 kuaihz

on the left造句
61. That tree on the left of the picture is out of perspective. 62. The town stands on the left bank of the river. 63. I forget the name of the street, but it's the first on the left. 64. A little way up on the left hand-side is the Museum of Modern Art. 65. The station is just down this road on the left. You can't miss it. 66. If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, you'll see that we're now approaching the Tower of London. 67. It's one of the few countries where people drive on the left. 68. The figure standing on the left was painted in after the rest of the picture was completed. 69. Very few dissenting voices were heard on the left. 70. On the left were our immediate neighbours, the Guttentags. 71. The door on the left leads to a staff bedroom, and the glazed doors to the lift lobby. 72. Take the right fork to a clearing on the right of the road and take track on the left. 73. He ignores information on the left even though he has no left visual field loss. 74. That might be expected to benefit others on the left. 75. Management was happy to get a proven sniper on the left side, something the club had lacked for eons. 76. To turn off the radio, push the button on the left. 77. It was designed to give a driver added head protection on the left side of the cockpit. 78. He then suddenly drops to the ground on the left knee, placing the left hand on the floor in front of him. 79. Stay on the left and let it come up close, jumping over its lightning bolts in the process. 80. Four 109s came in on the left flank, firing from such a ridiculous range that Patterson knew the pilots were inexperienced. 81. Women in head scarves and long coats take a seat on the left side of the synagogue. 82. Investigators discovered a malfunction in the propeller pitch control and a worn part in a propeller control system on the left engine. 83. The road up is a defile, steep, rugged and curvaceous, with a vast pine forest on the left hand. 84. There were three figures in the foreground, with a boy on the left and a girl on the right. 85. Nomination forms are available by sending in the coupon on the left. 86. The box on the left gives a short history of the Alamo. 87. Now push the button on the left to set the time. That's the idea! 88. They hewed to a narrow ideological range, disdainful of progressives on the left and Patrick Buchanan on the right. 89. It was a small piece of shrapnel, but it did a number on the left cheek of my hind end. 90. The main lace carriage is on the right and the lace carriage is on the left.