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(211) Fertility : ABility of an individual or couple to reproduce through normal sexual activity. (212) Mister Senefelder wanted to find a low-cost way to reproduce his plays. (213) In the field blanking period of transmission line field synchronizing signal, so that the charge, the synchronous scanning, to accurately reproduce the original image. (214) When animals or plants reproduce, they bring forth young ones or seeds. (215) Bacteria may divide veery 20 minutes and can thus reproduce very rapidly. (216) Hope and trust is the tailer of a lizard which can reproduce even right separingestedd being cut off. (217) The reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions. (218) Of course we would have expected that the tuatara, which does everything slowly -- they grow slowly, reproduce slowly and have a very slow metabolism -- would have evolved slowly. (219) Mainly discusses calculation of degree of distortion, then how to implement the storage and reproduce. At last the experiment results and analysis are provided. (220) A small loudspeaker designed to reproduce high - pitched sounds in a high - fidelity audio system. (221) Be sure to individually name and save all the random test cases generated so you can reproduce any failures you detect with this procedure. (222) They are endeavoring to reproduce the social conditions of prewar days. (223) Along the warm coastal lowlands of New South Wales, the yellow-bellied three-toed skink lays eggs to reproduce. (224) He concluded that the animal had probably been semiaquatic, spending significant time in shallow water but returning to land to rest and reproduce. (225) This shows that apomixis seeds of Taraxacum leucanthum (Ledeb. ) Ledeb. are aborted, it mainly through sexual reproduction to reproduce. (226) Numerical analysis can reproduce the phenomenon of "Support foot distorted" and "Drum-shaped deformation" of. (227) Rotifers can reproduce sexually or asexually, and the decision to go one way or another depends on the animals' habitat, according to a new study in the journal Nature. (228) Rotifers are unusual in that they often reproduce by parthenogenesis (some species, indeed, can reproduce only in this way). (229) The more fit a parent is, the more chances it will have to reproduce by being in the parent population multiple times. (230) Conclusion Rotenone injected subcutaneously in back is an effective method to reproduce the Parkinson disease model in rats. (231) The enclosed photograph is unfortunately not good enough to reproduce. (232) One of the new models has the facility to reproduce speech as well as text. (233) Butcapitalism is incapable of inventinga future which does not ritually reproduce its present. With, needless to say, more options .. . (234) He is not attempting necessarily to reproduce the cadence of speech. (235) In the process of image reproduction, the quality control is the most important task in order to reproduce the color and the tone of an image. (236) Evaluation for dyspareunia should include careful assessment of the genital tract and an attempt to reproduce symptoms during bimanual examination. (237) Internet should raise the rate of payment for the works of news items that they reproduce, but the problem now is that the definition of copyright for the works of news items is not clear enough. (237)try its best to gather and build good sentences. (238) Many have opted not to reproduce, and those that did reproduce held off until very late in the season, perhaps waiting for feeding conditions to improve. (239) Postwar demand will never reproduce the precise pattern of prewar demand.