constituency造句91, The hon. Member for Newry and Armagh will be aware from his constituency that there have been problems with the preliminary investigations.
92, None of them would have any formal local attachment other than to the large constituency as a whole.
93, Bucharest, the capital and the most populous constituency, was assigned 39 Assembly seats and 14 Senate seats.
94, In almost identical terms, constituency parties in the province and Britain have stepped up the pressure for a decisive Government move.
95, One goes to elect a member of parliament on a first past the post, single member constituency basis.
96, Accountability Many people are uncertain about accepting that disabled artists might also be accountable to a disabled constituency.
97, He also listed the capital investments that have been made to improve health care in his constituency.
98, The initiation and implementation of economic development projects also provides government with opportunities to gain political support from a diverse constituency.
99, In a constituency such as mine there are many highly skilled men, such as shipbuilders and welders, out of work.
100, For the past 10 years, my constituency has been promised a hospital,[http:///constituency.html] but no progress has been made.
101, Those consequences have been highlighted by my hon. Friend with specific examples from industries within his constituency.
102, Although he had been nominated as a conservative by Protestant Unionists within the constituency, he had quickly become an O'Neill supporter.
103, Naturally, the hon. Gentleman is particularly concerned about an incinerator that may be built in his constituency.
104, Our work is awareness raising on issues of international justice and development, primarily with different sections of the church constituency.
105, Let x be the percentage of a region's constituency seats won by any one party.
106, Though he had defeated heavyweight champion Sonny Liston and defended his title nine times, Ali never had a dramatic constituency before.
107, Mr Loyden's constituency covers Garston docks the main supply depot for battle convoys.
108, I have certainly received representations from the farming industry in my constituency, whose members are worried about their income levels.
109, My constituency, Wealden, includes the High Weald which extends beyond my constituency eastwards into Kent.
110, The fact remains that because of election by constituency quota the odds are heavily against fair representation for a small party.
111, A committee of 10-12 doctors, each representing a constituency of 20-30000, should be sufficient to service the committee's obligations.
112, First he supported the legislation and then we heard his special pleading for his constituency.
113, The Minister will be pleased to know that unemployment in my constituency fell by 41 last month.
114, My constituents can not run the library service for themselves, but some libraries in my constituency have been closed.
115, Meanwhile there is increasing acceptance that the task of representing a constituency can fairly be considered to constitute a full-time job.
116, The business constituency, on the other hand, views much regulation as an unjustifiable intrusion by the State.
117, This constituency had, with Belfast West, the lowest turnout of voters in the Province at 59%.
118, Sir Ralph Grunte had gone to some trouble over his constituency dinner party, La Noblesse being by no means cheap.
119, The senior branch stepped in: local bigwigs, including councillors and the local constituency chairman, defended the errant chairman.
120, A 33-year-old widow with four children in my constituency lost free school meals and housing benefit - a total loss of £25.