do the trick造句31. A Roget's Thesaurus will do the trick, as will any number of vocabulary building books.
32. You don't need to put on a purple leotard and dance in the hallway. A few flights of stairs in your normal clothes should do the trick.
33. Al Qaeda in Yemen has reconstituted itself as a decentralized group that is more attuned to local grievances; again, decapitation is unlikely to do the trick.
34. An old broom handle will do the trick, but anything that is at least 1 inch in diameter will work.
35. Something as simple as going to the water cooler for a drink may do the trick.
36. Instead of a lifetime of structured contemplation, a few drops of home brewed acid on a vitamin pill would do the trick.
37. So, a couple of squares of high cocoa chocolate do the trick for me, or perhaps a slice of homemade cake, rather than a store-bought, inferior product.
38. And lower interest rates won't do the trick, as they won't bring down the cost of risk capital.
39. The bleak IMF - imposed austerity packages hurt, but seemed to do the trick.