fishermen造句61 There were two fishermen on the beach digging for worms.
62 Voracious consumers of fish, sea lions have been the targets of wrathful fishermen in the San Diego area.
63 Leven Canal is well known for miles around by fishermen.
64 Neither conservation groups nor the fishermen are satisfied with the deal.
65 The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.Vincent van Gogh
66 Didn't fishermen like to go out into the middle of lakes to fish?
67 The latest tragedy brings to five the total of fishermen lost from the village in a week.
68 It is used by fishermen and is designated a bird sanctuary.
69 At six in the morning the tradesmen's entrance had been chock-a-block with fishermen, and the kitchen resembled Billingsgate.
70 Often they are fishing illegally inside an area reserved for artisan fishermen, but the boats cover their identity numbers with mud.
71 At about five o'clock the beach was full of activity, with the fishermen hauling in their nets.
72 All the fishermen stop fishing to join in the drive.
73 The local cockle fishermen resent the newcomers and claim some of them are working beds while also claiming state benefits.
74 Fishermen are angry about the new EC fishing regulations because they feel that their livelihood is being threatened.
75 Fishermen in their trawlers draw close to the straw vessels and throw candy, fruit, and other treats to the children.
76 As coastal fisheries have become less profitable through overfishing, more fishermen have taken to killing small cetaceans to supplement their incomes.
77 They turn up regularly beneath large boulders on any stretch frequented by shore fishermen.
78 Instead of the usual scapegoating of oystercatchers, local fishermen recognise that their fortunes are closely tied to those of the birds.
79 Spent day boating on lake in Champex annoying local fishermen with our attempts at the world speed record for pedal boats.
80 The shark which attacked Ford was later caught by fishermen but escaped.
81 Mat, winsome, handsome, pipe-smoking paterfamilias, introduced us to the fishermen at the table.
82 Oil slick prompts no-fishing zone Fishermen have introduced a voluntary ban on fishing in the area surrounding the Shetland oil slick.
83 Many fishermen have done well in recent years but they now face great pressure on the fish stocks.
84 Alternatively, how about a leisurely lunch next to the lake while watching the fishermen mending their nets.
85 Many other fishermen think carp anglers are mad because they can go for days without a bite.
86 They were mainly artisans - carpenters, stonemasons, ironworkers, shoemakers, weavers and fishermen.
87 In Plymouth and Newlyn, good weather enabled fishermen to bring a good variety of fish to the markets in good quantities.
88 According to Best and da Silva, the degree of hostility from commercial fishermen towards the boto is unquestionably growing.
89 The male People drew it tight, as fishermen must have done when they hauled in a catch in olden times.
90 The fishermen were simply making arrangements to save their own skins.