快好知 kuaihz

61, In the woods is Halling Park, a large area covering 95 acres, and another of 28 acres called Pasted. 62, The best thing to do is to put down absorbent floor covering in those rooms. 63, Its creeping stock branches very quickly and rapidly make a thick green carpet completely covering the bottom of the tank. 64, Toton and Tinsley are good examples of depots with specific sub-sector allegiances and covering a wide geographical area. 65, Other species of Ophiolebes species have a thickened skin covering the disk and to a certain extent the arm spines. 66, Is it the thin grayish covering, or is it the twelve to fifteen inch layer of blubber which surrounds his body? 67, Chrysalid came from chrysalis, a protective covering, a sheltered state or stage of being or growth. 68, In emphasising the place which the child played in his own learning process, Plowden was not covering new ground. 69, It is backed by a £15 million insurance warranty covering product liability on defective material, damage to property and consequential losses. 70, Measure and mark the fabric to the length of the measurements taken, plus allowances for covering roller and lath. 71, For 1993 we have organised four holidays to cater for students of all levels of experience and covering a variety of subjects. 72, It is mainly used for modelling, but can also be used for covering cakes. 73, Our door is painted a bright green colour with numerous messages using inappropriate language and phrases covering its exterior. 74, She took off her shoes, and lay down fully clothed, covering herself with a heavy quilt. 75, And up from the city of fumes and smoke rose a broiling cloud of steam, covering the stars. 76, Supported by four applied science courses covering the biology, entomology and pathology of seeds, and plant breeding. 77, Staff can produce an individual handbook covering specific aspects of care, for example pre-operative preparation or a doctor's preferences for treatment. 78, Once again he blasted out at the first attempt, reeling back amid a cloud of sand and covering his eyes. 79, Murrell, a grey blanket covering his head, was driven away in a green Rover to begin the motorway dash. 80, Then she kicked it away and sank on to the bed covering her face with her hands. 81, The journal Public Money and Management contains topical articles covering the whole of the public sector. 82, Aquatic birds and mammals, equipped with subcutaneous blubber, may also have a covering of fur or feathers. 83, The bill proposes raising the ownership limit from the current 12 stations covering no more than 25 percent of the country. 84, With a smock artfully covering his paunchy frame, Pavarotti, 56, burst into golden-toned song. 85, Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams. 86, Covering artists from Byzantine times to the nineteenth century, it should allow scholars to establish underdrawing styles for individual painters. 87, The house is kept in almost total darkness with a special membrane to block out ultra-violet light covering all the windows. 88, Pour fresh cream over the cheese, covering it completely; serve caster sugar separately. 89, The test booklet accompanying each coursebook contains four tests, each covering twenty units of the book concerned. 90, They moved constantly and furtively, covering their tracks and contacting nobody.