快好知 kuaihz

1. They fled because they feared retribution for the genocide. 2. Violent retribution soon followed. 3. His armies invaded their lands in retribution. 4. People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages. 5. Victims are demanding retribution for the terrorist attacks. 6. Members of Parliament clearly feared retribution from their constituents. 7. Do evil actions bring retribution after death? 8. He saw his suffering as retribution for the sins of his past life. 9. She saw the sentence as just retribution on the man who had assaulted her. 10. Retribution spawns revenge and the president is up next. 11. An outraged public demanded swift justice and retribution. 12. Upon his release, Osceola vowed retribution; on December 28, Thompson was slain by the Seminoles in retaliation. 13. Could it be some sort of retribution for sending a 440k gif file last week? 14. Replacing a system of retribution with one of restorative justice is, however, an uphill battle. 15. It is, I suppose, divine retribution for the treatment your whiteness receives in certain doctors' surgeries. 16. The boy's parents believe his illness is divine retribution for their sins. 17. He was being sought by their gestapo in retribution for his warlike acts. 18. She was asked whether a civilian government should seek retribution against military officers involved in human rights abuses. 19. The victim did not report the incident for fear of retribution. 20. He didn't want any further involvement for fear of retribution. 21. His view is that prison sentences must be long enough to satisfy the requirements both of retribution and deterrence. 22. This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over the shop without fear of retribution. 23. The Four Horse Men of the Apocalypse apparently felt it inappropriate to arrive as a messenger of divine retribution. 24. His utilitarianism required a practical, socially useful justification for punishment; retribution was totally inadequate. 25. There is a final item in the cascade of causes and consequences, a retribution for pollution that seems almost biblically apt. 26. These men were despots, meaning they could kill their subjects without fear of retribution. 27. The new offence becomes the occasion for another and now legitimized act of retribution. 28. It carried with it, implicitly, the threat of extreme retribution. 29. I croaked, wanting to say something, anything, to delay heavenly retribution. 30. But after escaping to join another gang, Devi carried out a singular form of retribution.