readiness造句31. Construction of facilities is nearing completion in readiness to commence production before the end of 1992.
32. The need is for objective introspection, candor regarding shortcomings, and a readiness to change.
33. There was a readiness to accept new technology and a general desire for improvements.
34. The gospel calls us to live in readiness for that hour.
35. By implication, Walshe was clearly stating that a genetic readiness plus a long-term psychological stress results in cancer.
36. Bob expertly trotted his mount into position, gave me a raised-eye query about readiness and kicked forward into an accelerating gallop.
37. They also agreed to relax the state of readiness of their forces and to reduce military exercises.
38. Begging five minutes, I scramble to dress and throw the bed together, mind scrabbling to approximate readiness.
39. And the figure includes only those companies that have publicly admitted their readiness to sell.
40. Your endocrine system also keeps you in balance and maintains your readiness to respond to internal and external stressors.
41. The antibodies will then float around our bloodstream in readiness for years, just waiting for the real disease to come along.
42. Analyzing each of the members of the critical mass with regard to readiness and capability.
43. Differences of value-orientation may be manifested in contrasting levels of commitment and readiness to cross picket lines.
44. His deafness was a severe handicap in an assembly where quickness of hearing and readiness of speech were essential.
45. Like some hypocrites in tragedy, Angelo's readiness to dissemble could be checked by his conscience.
46. The only requirements are patience, a willingness to learn and a readiness to let go of the habits of a lifetime.
47. Teachers and tutors on these courses can advise on the readiness of students for GCSE courses.
48. Both contrasted this apparent indifference with the West's readiness to criticize the damaging of rainforest by logging.
49. The people who will help most are the early adopters whose readiness and enthusiasm for change allow for experimentation and mistakes.
50. Surfaces were cluttered with an assortment of electronic equipment, and mechanical contrivances in varied states of readiness.
51. But the chairman's readiness to provide the cash for Chapman's shopping was to prove his downfall.
52. William's readiness to make money out of Yorick still seemed rather tasteless.
53. An election could come at any time, and policies across the board were being honed in readiness.
54. Some have interpreted it as an attempt to win Hispanic votes at the expense of military readiness.
55. These programs will be stored by the computer in readiness for use by the specific location.
56. There seems to be a readiness in the baby to react keenly to visual stimuli during the first few months of life.
57. Man lives freely only by his readiness to die, if need be, at the hands of his brother, never by killing him.Mahatma Gandhi
58. My mother was resting, as she often did, in readiness for the evening's performance.
59. Moreover Pound's anti-Semitism, later so notorious, certainly casts a sinister light on his readiness to broach these issues.
60. But such a love implies a deeper readiness of understanding, a higher spiritual development than the first.