hum造句121. The hum of the electric fan reminded him of the angry roar of the crowd.
122. You notice the hum of the air-conditioner when it comes on and when it goes off – but not in between.
123. The conclusion is that Catz is a complicated, competent, intelligent pile-driver of an executive who makes Oracle hum.
124. One may also listen to our hum and intend to rotate one's molecular structure in syncopation.
125. To do this, Livermore relies on powerful machines called supercomputers, which hum away inside top-secret, heavily guarded buildings.
126. This function works best with types of noises such as a constant occurrence of a ground loop, air conditioner, hum, tape hiss or feedback.
127. Um - hum [ Uh - huh , Yes ] , I see.
128. In its unfading flowers I hear the bright bee hum: Prithee , my brother, Into my garden come!
129. Stamen front, have a very bright light, looking around perkily , seem to saying: Hum, I like this home, regular meeting makes master home full chamber unripe brightness.
130. He could hear the hum of the bees in the garden.
131. The spindles kept up their regular hum on all sides without pause.
132. Member alarm armour: Hum, still have breath, we help his gangmaster turn come back.
133. There was the hum of bees, and the musky odor of pinks filled the air.
134. Also, like parafeed, hum is reduced by the effective voltage division between the "pull up" resistor and the anode resistance.
135. I hear the bright bee hum: Prithee , my brother, Into my garden come!