快好知 kuaihz

1, When did you learn to juggle? 2, It can be tough trying to juggle a career and a family. 3, He can juggle a fan into a bird. 4, She likes to juggle ideas. 5, Don't juggle with your old Daddy,son. 6, My uncle taught me to juggle. 7, So Emma actually manages to juggle two small children and a full-time job, does she? Well, I take my hat off to her. 8, Don't juggle with words any more. I know what you mean. 9, Many parents find it hard to juggle children and a career. 10, Manufacturers must be able to juggle demands of all kinds. 11, It won't matter if we juggle the figures - no one will know. 12, Women very often have to juggle work with their family commitments. 13, If I juggle these appointments around, I can fit you in. 14, Women usually have to juggle a career and a family. 15, It's hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework. 16, Never juggle black and white. 17, They have to juggle jobs and child care arrangements. 18, She continued to juggle multiple responsibilities, raising six children and building Copley into a huge and successful enterprise. 19, Mayors have to juggle scarce resources to keep their cities working. 20, It helps users to juggle a variety of programs at once, each in its own window on the screen. 21, I knew how to juggle photo shoots, prepare catalogs, everything. 22, Drink enough of it, you can juggle with snakes, no sweat. 23, I thought you ought to learn to juggle with these to amuse Michael. 24, Doone would have to juggle with alibis and charts, proving opportunity, searching for footprints. 25, With school starting, Anna will have to juggle her love of swimming with her homework. 26, To learn to juggle, take one ball and practise tossing it from hand to hand in an easy arc. 27, With school starting, however, she will have to juggle her pleasure reading with her homework. 28, Our own experiments with people's ability to juggle credit-cost options give no reason to expect different results here. 29, The management team meets several times a week to juggle budgets and resources. 30, We also need to watch our children to see how they juggle the various aspects of their lives.