快好知 kuaihz

121. Abdominal adenopathy is usually rated by computerized abdominal tomography, gallium scanning, ultrasonography, or lymphangiography. 122. The scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) is employed to study sandstone fractography under thermo mechanical coupling effects. 123. The accurate value of gas and liquid ratio can be determined using laser confocal scanning microscope combined 3D reconstruction software. 124. The EPMA linear scanning showed the gradient distribution of Co on surface of nickel foam substrate. 125. Methods Osteoblast were obtained from rat calvaria bone and cultured with PLGA material, cells were observed under inverted microscope and environmental scanning electron microscope and recorded. 126. Scanning electron micrograph of human immunodeficiency virus budding from a cultured lymphocyte. 127. This method can insure the horizontal scanning start point in the same position and eliminate the angle division error of the polygon mirror. 128. In this situation, let students by themselves to judge the direction of scanning field and horizontal field of the coil on the base of full understanding and holding the principle of experiment. 129. The microstructure and fracture surface of the two ultrahigh strength steels are analyzed by metalloscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). 130. An instrument that measures the outer profile parameters of piston rings such as conical rings, tubbish rings by scanning is introduced. 131. The electro optic sampling system constructed with the multiple frequency phase shift scanning method was introduced. 132. The surface acidity of zeolite Y was studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) and infrared spectroscopy ( IR ). 133. The structural changes of leaf surface in acclimatization and growth in field of in vitro plantlets of Sophora japonica were studied using scanning electron microscope. 134. For qualified test results, process and calculation must be conducted in the following sequence: scanning the recording chart, calculating the pressure from the strain and filling-in the test report. 135. Scanning in declination may be achieved by tilting the aerial system. 136. Levels of RNA and DNA in tumor cell membrane in every groups were examined, respectively by laser scanning confocal microtechnic technology. 137. Objective To study the feasibility of MR arthrography of knee joint by using intravenous injection of MR contrast agent which disperses into the knee joint, to optimize the scanning parameters. 138. Conclusion: Although the yolk sac tumor out of gonad have characteristics of malignant tumor by CT scanning, it is still lack of specificity, and need further physiological examination. 139. The technique which utilize a conical scanning manner known as velocity azimuth display based on single LDV system is described. 140. Lung radioisotope scanning associated with real-time phlebography on the low extremity also has fairly high positive yield in diagnosing acute PTE. 141. The changes of outer hair cells(OHC) were observed by scanning electron microscope. 142. The most important use of liver scanning in surgical patients is detection of hepatic metastases. 143. Applying the scanning device , the residual limb is scanned and its multi - angle ultrasonic images are obtained. 144. Identification can be made by retinal or iris scanning, fingerprints, or face recognition. 145. It is a property for practical application as a frequency scanning antenna since it ensures a stable radiation pattern with little distortions while beam is being scanned. 146. The polarized light microscope and differential scanning calorimetric measurement indicate: the lower the isotacticity the highter the crystallinity and the better the splerical crystal. 147. The antenna does not synchronize scanning. The heading line is not stable. The echo position is changed accordingly. 148. In order to reduce the finite scanning plane truncation error in the measurements with phased array antennas, the cosine window function is introduced and applied in this case. 149. It includes some basic points such as scanning precision, format description of scanned data, conversion from the scanned data to generalized raster data, g... 150. To observe the ultrastructures of adult worms and eggs of Armillifer agkistrodontis by scanning and transmission electron microscope.