inefficient造句181. An unusually high propensity to save, coupled with an inefficient system for distributing consumer goods and services, keeps domestic demand down.
182. Unions are strong in Europe, and they push up wages and (worse) encourage featherbedding, short hours, and other inefficient practices.
183. Its steelmakers may be protected and inefficient now, but sooner or later rationalisation and greater technical skill will produce big firms that can make cheap steel.
184. an inefficient heating system.
185. This is inefficient and cumbersome; even the relatively suboptimal MPEG-style delta quantizer system would be a better option.
186. Line sales manual, inefficient and error-prone, difficult to organize customer data, a large number of missing, these are limiting our bottleneck in the development of tourism.
187. He also challenged the reigning assumption that oligopolies were inherently inefficient.
188. The traditional methods of computation not only need special data tables but also is com- plicated and inefficient.
189. Whether or not the acts of good teachers are highly efficient, while the general acts of teachers are inefficient?Which has one of the complex variables at work?
190. The Taylor series is also inefficient compared to the built-in sine function of a modern desktop chip.
191. Illogic often reigns and markets are enormously inefficient despite what the academics believe.
192. This technology works because engines right now are very fuel inefficient and by adding oxyhydrogen gas (HHO) to the equation, they start to run efficiently and your car mileage goes up incredibly.
193. It risks an inefficient, subsidised and sometimes ethically suspect export - industrial complex distorting the national economy.
194. Run-Length Encoding(RLE) is a simple method of image compression based on wordbook , yet it is inefficient on the compression of some specific images.
195. The Philippines sends all too many of them abroad as domestics to ship money home and support an inefficient economy.
196. but in these slack times China has closed some of its oldest (and most inefficient) coal- and oil-fired power plants.
197. To solve the problem of the nonstandard and inefficient evaluation system of the core competitive capacity of enterprises, the model of the illegibility systemic evaluation has been formed.
198. Busbar TrunkingSystem is now designed mainly by hand, which is cockamamie and inefficient.
199. The inefficient use of space along with better-looking four doors and expensive crash requirements eventually spelled the end of the big coupe.
200. All told, the tax code is larded with more than $ 700 billion - worth of inefficient subsidies.
201. Land Circulation Policy can liberate dairy farmers from inefficient and profitless manual labor to tertiary industry.
202. Under the passive, isolated and quiescent state, classroom teaching is inefficient.
203. While datapools are the easiest way to link test data with your tests in Rational Performance Tester, they can become inefficient with very large sizes (in general over 10,000 records).
204. It remains to be pointed out that government make-work is necessarily inefficient and of questionable utility.
205. But Mr. Wu sees the defects: a government prone to “meddling” in the marketplace; a widening income gap; inefficient monopolies; and crony capitalism.
206. There are some aspects contributing the condition among of which the lag of the management and the inefficient management innovations are "bottle-neck" factors.
207. While UCM has many important benefits, such as version management and defect management, we have found Web application deployments to be inefficient.
208. It might also fail if market share failed to rise fast and far enough, or the firm was inefficient in using the fixed capacity to lower its unit costs.
209. Divisions of the wage scale must be arbitrary and rigid. Running a "planned state" from central headquarters is clumsy, unfair, inefficient.
210. Plans may also become inefficient in the attainment of objectives by jeopardizing group satisfactions.