快好知 kuaihz

1. The green grass is cheery. 2. She gave me a cheery smile . 3. She was cheery and talked to them about their problems. 4. A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 5. A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 6. He left with a cheery 'See you again soon'. 7. Sunshine and the singing of birds are cheery. 8. He left them with a cheery wave . 9. I'm glad Hubert married a girl of cheery personality. 10. 'Morning!' piped a cheery voice. 11. Mr. Phillips was a cheery man. 12. Paddy spotted Mary Ann and gave her a cheery wave. 13. He gave us a cheery wave as we drove past. 14. Such cheery jobless numbers have taken everybody by surprise. 15. Unthinking o Id friends will still send cheery cards. 16. The darkness gave way to cheery mood lighting. 17. Professor Cousins gave Chick a cheery wave. 18. A cheery fire burned in the fireplace. 19. He was a cheery chap who wore a frock coat and a soiled black felt hat which had seen better days. 20. Her responses to the usual chorus of cheery greetings were half-hearted; all she could focus on was Vitor d'Arcos. 21. A cheery bing-bong-a new addition, the kind of chime you hear in airports-peals out over the PA system. 22. The arm, uplifted in a cheery wave, is bony, frail, almost opalescent. 23. I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell. 24. The tabletops were formica, the walls covered in cheery pink stripes. 25. He was a nice, cheery fellow, though not entirely too fond of work. 26. Veronica had come up to him with her usual cheery smile. 27. The Headman too was bright and intelligent, and they had a cheery conversation with me as interpreter. 28. The parents who brought their girls to the Taliaferro bus stop in the morning were a cheery bunch. 29. Ace stood silently as the Doctor doffed his hat, and gave Mortimer a cheery smile. 30. The jam around Samuel's mouth was like a big cheery grin, but his eyes remained sullen.