快好知 kuaihz

1. The sound of the heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog. 2. 'Ofwat' is the water industry watchdog in Britain. 3. The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations. 4. The committee acts as an independent watchdog over government spending. 5. The investors' watchdog may have had its day Notebook. 6. Moreover, any watchdog needs teeth. 7. Labour urges consumer watchdog for rail users. 8. Fig. 2. Complete circuit diagram for the Vehicle Watchdog. 9. Fig. 1. Block diagram of the Vehicle Watchdog deterrent. 10. The consumer watchdog believes that borrowers are left saddled with massive debt despite believing that they have cleared their loan. 11. Health professionals and watchdog groups say children are influenced by advertising on hoardings and in newspapers and magazines. 12. Since then the Financial Services Authority, the chief watchdog, has been trying to broker a rescue deal. 13. They also notify the government's other watchdog body the Genetic Manipulation Advisory Group. 14. The watchdog plans to issue formal regulatory guidance setting out how companies should handle endowment complaints and assess where compensation is due. 15. Now a new global watchdog group has been launched to help prevent these attacks. 16. We serve as a watchdog of coastal activities and a team worker with state agencies. 17. The watchdog sees more purpose in changing demand with domestic water meters. 18. Watchdog featured her after she called out a plumber to her home to unblock a toilet. 19. In 1990, 17 employees filed claims with the watchdog agency. 20. The plan was rejected by the government nuclear safety watchdog. 21. The Countryside Commission was set up as the government's official watchdog on conservation. 22. Water shares spurted on the back of a report by the industry watchdog, Ofwat. 23. Another mere coincidence, say school officials, adding that Tarkanian was adamant about having such a watchdog on staff. 24. But the independent budget office proposed as a non-political watchdog inside City Hall has not been set up. 25. The public flogging anticipated at the annual general meeting of the City watchdog, Fimbra, may well fail to materialise. 26. They followed the news bulletins of such groups as Good for Women and formed their own watchdog groups. 27. Not every thane had been left behind to act as a watchdog. 28. Now everything depends on the effectiveness of the government as a watchdog. 29. In this respect the role of an auditor may be likened to that of a watchdog rather than a bloodhound. 30. Mr Campbell is thought to have been chosen in preference to Charlotte Hudson, the chief reporter on Watchdog.