obese造句91 Apply to the shoulders and back and limbs obese patients.
92 With the improving of living standards and nutritional status, the number of obese children is increasing gradually, regular monitoring of children, blood-lipoid should be attached enough importance .
93 Governments will count the eventual cost: health-care spending on an obese person is 25% more than for someone of average weight.
94 It comes from the family of common viruses that causes colds, pneumonia, diarrhea, and pinkeye and is present in 30 percent of obese people and 5 percent of non-obese people.
95 People who are obese have low levels of vitamin D in their blood because it's sequestered in their overabundant fat cells.
96 He said it was unhelpful for doctors to be biased against obese patients.
97 Astrophysicist Paul Crowther said the obese star — twice as heavy as any previously discovered — has already slimmed down considerably over its lifetime.
98 S. study published on Monday that calculated the heart hazards of being pudgy but not obese.
99 The 49 per cent who have inherited just one flawed FTO gene are 30 per cent more likely to be obese than those with two normal copies of the gene and 25 per cent more likely to develop diabetes.
100 Individuals are considered morbidly obese when their body mass index is 40 or higher.
101 Conclusion:To some extent, exerting a cuniform pad on the pressing ball can ameliorate the effect of ureter pressing in the obese patient vein urography.
102 A low-calorie beverage suitable for diabetics, corpulent people and obese children was developed from Lo-Han-Kou extract with the addition of acidulating agents and natural flavourings.
103 Lok Durd was an obese Neimoidian general in the army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
104 In obese mice, treatment with bupropion , naltrexone or the combination resulted in a 27%, 49% and 94% reduction of food intake, respectively.
105 She was obese and the object of constant obnoxious teasing.
106 Almost two in three obese Americans will develop knee osteoarthritis.
107 Recent studies examining the role of physical activity in Chinese obesity have found that, among men, those who own a motorised vehicle are twice as likely to become obese.
108 This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese before they start school.
109 Research Design and Methods: In a double-masked placebo controlled trial, we evaluated 20 obese non-diabetic adults at baseline and after one-month of salsalate or placebo.
110 Their results provided the first chink in the armour of the metabolically healthy obese concept.
111 Because rodents have a lot of brown fat, it's very difficult to make them obese, even when you force-feed them in labs.
112 Exercise also tends to lower blood pressure, decreasing the risk of heart attack and stroke, and trims the chances of becoming obese or developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
113 Seventy-seven men and women with diabetes, most of whom were overweight or obese, took part in the study.
114 Even for obese patients, initial vancomycin dosages should be calculated based on actual body weight.
115 An obese person's annual medical costs are more than $700 greater than those of a comparable thin person.
116 Still, the porter of that institution is of an obese habit, and, according to the best of my observation of him, not very impressible .
117 In a small study, 20 severely obese patients who were put on a very low-calorie diet lost an average of 20 percent of their body weight.
118 Taekwondo makes poor person adds muscle not only, contrary , obese still person decreases adipose, make weight returns to normal.
119 Conclusion: Obese acanthosis nigricans is usually associated with insulin resistance, so these patients will be detected the levels of blood insulin and glucose and receive the corret therapy.
120 So we mixed with some antic elements. For instance, the obese bloomers and the large collar.