快好知 kuaihz

151. Impact of transcendental meditation on ambulatory blood pressure in African - American adolescents. 152. She is coordinating our conference calls – which are a combination of visiting, meditation and channeling by telephone, sometimes across two oceans: Hawaii to Saskatoon to England. 153. That is where Siddhartha sat in meditation under a tree called the "Bodhi tree". 154. Meditation is a continuous flow of perception or thought, like flow of water in a river. 155. For example, self - relaxation approaches to the therapy of hypertension include yoga, biofeedback, and meditation. 156. Meditation has different effects on brain electrical physiological and autonomic nervous activation of non-experienced meditate exerciser and experienced meditate exerciser. 157. Laying on back with knees bent and feet on floor, sputa padangusthasana, and seated meditation are excellent neutral poses. 158. The just-in-time invitations (e.g. for meditation sessions) go out to all the members who have subscribed to a group, usually just a few minutes before the event. 159. In Ch'an (Zen) meditation, the practitioner is taught to concentrate on a koan. The specific practice is the silent recitation of the koan. 160. All her poems are pathways to deeper reflexion and meditation. 161. As everyone knows, meditation and water are wedded for ever. 162. In fact, the entire novel is a long meditation on child-bearing and mortality. 163. Is sorry, originally meditation tonight's twice more of, but the power is off in the morning, clutch a conference in the p. m. , have a stomach-ache by this time, so must morrow. 164. Enclosed space consists of some internal functions such as the Grand Buddha Hall, Monks Dorm, Praying Hall, Meditation Hall and the Depositary of Buddhist Texts and so on. 165. In a meditation room, in Israel, suspended between floor and ceiling, buoyant as a soap bubble. 166. The process may take the form of repetitive prayer, chanting, speaking in tongues, self-hypnosis or diverse methods of meditation.... 167. One doesn't try to hold oneself in the state of meditation, the state of awareness. One doesn't try painfully to stick to it. 168. This concept Christian Zen is actually an important result of Second Vatican Council, which could benefit the Christian spirituality from Buddhist meditation. 169. In Theravada Buddhist countries, it is traditional to begin each meditation session with the recitation of a certain set of formulas. 170. Do you think I am trying to distract you from meditation? 171. In meditation we use them (real concepts) as labels to help us recognise realities. 172. Traditionally, it is the land of Meditation "Tapo Bhumi" and Birth Place of Gautama Buddha. 173. Today, yoga is a system of movements and meditation that emphasizes physical control and discipline3 as a way to achieve a state of spiritual knowledge. 174. To understand God's will through meditation. Live out of God's life. 175. The movements of the arms and legs in T'ai Chi Chuan, along with the turns and posturing of the body, help to picture the flow of chi during meditation. 176. A woman who belongs to a religious order or congregation devoted to active service or meditation, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. 177. In some of his poems, we can see not only his understanding of the Void and his meditation thoughts, but also some elements of koan. 178. This new internal environment offers an architectural and sequential chiaroscuro to the external strip-mall type reality and prepares the visitor for practice of inward meditation and contemplation. 179. The meditation on death is the culmination of all these exercises. 180. It takes twenty to twenty-five years of study and meditation to qualify as a lama.