imperialism造句91. Maybe one day it will counter all of the caucasian western imperialism. In the main time, why don't you go preach Yellow Peril a little more.
92. Such international interest had to be free from any suspicion of economic imperialism.
93. He would dearly love to show a causal relationship between culture and imperialism, but cannot.
94. Imperialism and the Chinese counter-revolutionary forces have done them great harm, driving many into unemployment, bankruptcy or semi-bankruptcy.
95. In order to defeat US imperialism in the Philippines, the people must unite to end the rule of the big landlords , big compradors and bureaucrat capitalists.
96. U.S. imperialism is not terrifying, nothing to make a fuss about.
97. The big landlord and big comprador classes in particular always side with imperialism and constitute an extreme counter-revolutionary group.
98. This marked an initial victory for the struggle against imperialism and feudalism.
99. Imperialism a paper tiger.
100. They are too weak and corrupt, and remain shackled to imperialism.
101. It is a strategy not so much for world domination on the model of Western imperialism as for reestablishing China as the Middle Kingdom—the dominant tributary state in the Asia-Pacific region.
102. He set about rebuilding France, and made it into a brilliant - looking modernized imperialism.
103. The oppressed people will score up the debts of blood against imperialism.
104. The first systematic critique of modern imperialism was provided by the English radical J. A. Hobson.
105. The traitorous Chiang Kai - shek clique and its master, U.S. imperialism, have wrongly appraised the situation.
106. Our struggle against imperialism is closely linked to that of the world's people.
107. Here, democracy is on life-support, while paid-for politicians give mouth to mouth to imperialism, rampant globalization and the ravaging of the poor.
108. Xiong Bite explains imperialism from sociological viewpoint, he thinks imperialism is the atavism in structure of a kind of society.
109. In the past, he has called Bush a "donkey, " US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice an "illiterate" and former Mexican President Vicente Fox a "lapdog of imperialism.
110. How can the "heroes" in a colony or semi-colony tackle a counter-revolutionary job of this magnitude without depending on the strength of imperialism?
111. To serve the needs of its aggression, imperialism created the comprador system and bureaucrat - capital in China.
112. Europe is the Holocaust, but it is also the destruction of Nazism; it is the Gulag, but also the fall of the Wall; imperialism, but also decolonization; slavery, but also abolition.
113. Imperialism had carved up the whole world into oppressor and oppressed nations.
114. The most advanced stages of capitalism, which feature imperialism as their dominant mode of operation , contain internal contradictions which harbor the seeds of their own destruction.
115. He even wrote a defense of British imperialism during the Boer War.
116. Already we can individuate three central characteristics of the modern age of imperialism that have changed today.