spare time造句31. My sister likes to learn art pottery in her spare time.
32. in his spare time.
33. How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching television?
34. You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!
35. He spent his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests.
36. When I have some spare time, I like to sketch.
37. He spends his spare time visiting schools to warn pupils off drugs.
38. When she has a little spare time she enjoys arranging dried flowers.
39. The lad gives his spare time freely to help the weak and sick old people.
40. Painting in her spare time features largely in her life.
41. In his spare time Gavin competes in various rallies.
42. Fishing occupies most of my spare time.
43. Do spare time to drop me a line.
44. The new busboy, Morton[/spare time.html], boxed in his spare time.
45. Stephen's mom loves to garden in her spare time.
46. Q: What do you do in your spare time?
47. Darby was a cheerfully relaxed young man who compiled cryptic crosswords for a monthly magazine in his spare time.
48. In her spare time Elaine does voluntary work for the local branch of the National Schizophrenia Fellowship.
49. But then he discovered Art, and began to paint in his spare time and make etchings.
50. He confessed to enjoying making spinning wheels and rocking horses in his spare time.
51. We have tiny apartments and kids and computers that eat up our spare time and money, for goodness' sakes.
52. Mr Takamoto is an engineer at the Northtown Nissan plant and in his spare time enjoys building robots.
53. So it's a good thing to get one's mind off in one's spare time.
54. Some women work because, having reduced responsibilities and ties, they have more spare time and freedom.
55. Questions can be answered as they arise, and spare time can be used to broaden understanding of a diagnosis or treatment.
56. So far it was only Jane, but she was still hoping to rehearse with Bill in their spare time.
57. Together with his wife Lilian, the Group quality circle facilitator spends hours of his spare time counting cross-stitching.
58. Some of his best work, on glaciation and on Old Red Sandstone, was done in his spare time.
59. We had some spare time, so we started messing around with samples and sequencers and stuff.
60. Women have no spare time to devote to the employer.