smelling造句31, It was rust-red and black with its rotund decay, smelling dank and casting a shell-shadow.
32, Smelling the water, Daisy needed no further encouragement and put on a spurt to hurry down to the river.
33, She has also a teething baby, pinched and veined and smelling of milk.
34, We rode home through a brilliant day smelling of primroses.
35, Equally empty once we arrived was the amazingly clean, white-tiled station at Mosholu Parkway, smelling heavily of recently used disinfectant.
36, Hard-edged, smelling distastefully of banknotes on snow, they sketched for her, faster than light, a helix of numbers.
37, Yanto hesitated for a moment then plunged his hands into the evil smelling, mess.
38, I was in Heaven, smelling everything, grinning from east to west with the salivary promise of an upended cornucopia.
39, They were married in a room smelling of varnish and floor wax, and official documents growing musty in the filing cabinets.
40, There was also a chipped enamel mug stained almost black inside and smelling of spirits.
41, How delicious smelling, were the baskets of fresh garlic when the farmer brought them up from the valley.
42, After his lying here smelling this bad for three days filling up with crabs, any rites at all is sacrilege.
43, Look for their Hair Glistener - it leaves hair smelling irresistible and creates subtle, glittering highlights in your hair.
44, A marsh hawk appeared from behind and swooped low over him, perhaps smelling fear and hoping for leftovers.
45, The only side-effect reported: the sweetest smelling boots known to man!
47, Eighteen milk bottles on the mantelpiece, some with milky smears and doubtless smelling cheesy.
48, Hepar may be needed after Mercurius. Ear infections with a bloody, purulent, cheesy smelling discharge and sticking pains.
49, Cotton pillowcase smelling of sweat filled his nose, eyes, mouth, a sharp searing pain on his shoulder.
50, Miss Pitty, could I have your smelling salts?
51, Franz waited impatiently, smelling the odour of the goat.
52, The smelling of ammonia brought himaround.
53, He began to have frequent, frothy, foul smelling stools.
54, These smelling salts will fetch her to.
55, Beautiful purple-red wine body, pleasant smelling.
56, Cold foggy fishy - smelling air came drifting in.
57, Can someone pass the smelling salts?
58, He takes his sprayer in his hand, appreciating their beauty and smelling their fragrance.
59, The trainer used smelling salt to bring around the boxer.
60, Xi Shi took small piece of cinnamon bark at first and felt It'sweet - smelling and delicious.