快好知 kuaihz

121. Blowing out the candle, Tilly crept to the kitchen door and gingerly opened it. 122. Like-for-like sales excluding petrol only crept up by 0.4 per cent. 123. When I couldn't stand it any longer I dashed across the road and crept round the back. 124. I crept through the brush as only a boy with bad night vision can. 125. Trying to stay calm, he crept up on the statue. 126. I pushed the door to slowly, silently, crept back down the steps, into the corner and bunched up small. 127. But once she was alone with her knitting depression crept up on Leonora like an incoming tide. 128. And as she remembered her own vivid imaginings a blush crept up her throat to flood her cheeks with hot colour. 129. Then she opened the bedroom door and crept down through the dark, silent house. 130. The peace Sethe had come there to find crept into her. 131. Allen had crept under a bush and even asleep was as difficult to see as a wild creature. 132. But then it took broken bones longer to heal as age crept into them. 133. I crept off down a little path through curling bracken. 134. The train's carriages clanked and rattled as it crept into the station. 135. He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding. 136. Using handholds in the wood to steady herself, she crept back along the beam, hauling Simon along with her. 137. While she happily cavorted, I crept up to the huge white smooth box and gingerly touched it. 138. In the dark hours before dawn we crept up on our objectives and laid charges. 139. Armed men in ski masks crept up on the van and raked it with gunfire. 140. Slipping off the bed she crept across her room, opening the door as silently as possible. 141. I crept around to the back of the house and watched as he carried her through the kitchen and into the garage. 142. I crept away into the woods after an hour and his voice followed me there. 143. From the boys' bathroom we crept through the dark, quiet halls to the library and the computer. 144. His only movement was in the tears which crept down his pale cheeks. 145. Shadowy dimness crept over the countryside. 146. A little note of hysteria crept into Tonder's laughter. 147. Dread at her own inefficiency crept upon her. 148. A note of irritation crept into my voice as I talked on. 149. To the right was a stair, I crept up it. 150. A milky twilight crept about the stairway and the landings below.