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91. At this period, after his long fast, the toad has a very spiritual look, like a strict Anglo-Catholic towards the end of Lent. 92. Chiew Ah Chan said she was cleaning her house on Wednesday when she saw the toad trying to hop out of a drain. 93. His experiment involved a species of toad called the Midwife Toad. 94. Results:There are great differences between oviductus ranae, frog oil and toad oil in the characters, microscopic level, thin-layer chromatography and turgidity. 95. To the toad, the garden is a worm that wiggles , a bug that flies. 96. A live common midwife toad is seen near two dead male toads in France's Pyrenees National Park. 97. 'Now, cheer up, Toad,' she said, coaxingly, on entering, 'and sit up and dry your eyes and be a sensible animal. 98. The magician in the fairy story turned the woman a toad. 99. Objective:To investigate the effect of Rhodiola Sachalinensis A Bor (BSAB) polysaccha-ride on gastrocnemius fatigue in vitro induced by electric stimulation to Toad. 100. Objective: To study membrane properties of the fully-grown oocytes from toad, Bufo bufo gargarizans. 101. I happened to grow the toad skin melons in summer. 102. Only just let me get at him!'muttered Toad, grinding his teeth. 103. This article discusses the process of the methanol extraction of toad skin in detail, the use of reagents and equipments, the methodology and operation of the main points. 104. Methods:We used the character identification, the micro-distinction, the thin-layer chromatography and the turgidity experiments to identify oviductus ranae, frog oil and toad oil. 105. His eyes seemed to bulge like those of a toad. 106. Toad was quite alarmed at this very serious and portentous style of greeting. 107. The article studies the inductive effect of erythrocytes nucleus of the toad, Bufo gargarizans by herbicide butachlor. 108. Scientists have previously linked the extinction of Costa Rica's iconic mountaintop golden toad [Bufo periglenes] to climate change. 109. The Giant Toad and Andean Iguana are some examples of reptiles. 110. Eat a live toad in the morning and northing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day. 111. When she said good night, having filled his water-jug and shaken up his straw for him, Toad was very much the same sanguine, self-satisfied animal that he had been of old. 112. Richard was a sort of Antichrist the King - that bottled spider, that pois'nous bunch - back'd toad. 113. The gaoler nodded grimly, laying his withered hand on the shoulder of the miserable Toad. 114. The Toad saw at once how wrongly and foolishly he had acted. 115. The shack said: " Hit the grit, you son of a toad. " 116. This paper reports studies on the proteolytic conversion of the nonapeptidearginine - vasotocin ( AVT , Cvs - Tyr - Ile - Gln - Asn - Cys - Pro - Arg - GlyNH 2 ) by toad brainsynaptic membranes. 117. AIM:To observe the painless effects of rapid painless toad verom containing material for pulpectomy . 118. A male common midwife toad carries eggs between its hind legs in this undated handout picture released on March 9 by the Pyrenees National Park. 119. Vegetables and rice come at the end of the meal so you can take it easy on the toad and chicken feet that come out first. 120. The article studies inductive effect of erythrocytes nucleus of the toad, Bufo gargarizans by herbicide butachlor.