relevance造句(31) Before demonstrating this variety, it is necessary to outline some minor technical details of relevance.
(32) I will leave to one side any consideration of the philosophical or practical relevance of this model of scientific activity.
(33) Our study confirms that finding but questions its relevance and its implications.
(34) Those likely to have some relevance, either directly or indirectly, for nature conservation are examined below. 1.
(35) Two further points regarding the ways managers cope with ambiguity will be of relevance to our consideration of strategic management.
(36) And is that aspect somehow unique to Communism, and of little relevance to non-Communist societies?
(37) But the assembly line claimed a heavy toll in their numbers and social relevance.
(38) The causal relevance of an agent would be optimally confirmed if it was detected in symptomatic but not in asymptomatic patients.
(39) The research investigates the consequences of some specific relaxations of these assumptions that are of practical relevance to economic time series analysis.
(40) What remains to be done is to consider the relevance of what Wittgenstein says to the issues raised earlier in this paper.
(41) In other words it is a part of the larger and even more complex issue of the relevance of current cost accounting.
(42) Pupils soon grow weary of a parade of historical topics selected solely because they appear to have a popular appeal or relevance.
(43) We shall concentrate briefly on those aspects of Weber's sociology which have the most obvious relevance to penology.
(44) Jakobson's essay thus constitutes as strong a claim as can possibly be made for the relevance of linguistics to literary study.
(45) In Sperber and Wilson's terms, it creates an expectation of optimal relevance.
(46) In order to assure industry relevance, the association would wish to develop close links at an early stage with institutions seeking accreditation.
(47) Observations of toxicity of glutamate in tissue culture are of uncertain relevance invivo.
(48) In the original neoclassical synthesis the practical relevance of a process of price deflation for establishing full employment was regarded as minimal.
(49) Children learn it by rote to pass examinations, and they don't see its relevance to the world around them.
(50) The other argument deployed against the adversary politics thesis calls into doubt the relevance of the notion itself.
(51) The Obscene Publications Acts 1959 and 1964 might, under certain circumstances, have relevance.
(52) How is relevance to be determined? Different domains of enquiry and action work to different criteria of significance.
(53) The study will have immediate relevance both in strengthening the capacity of the agencies dealing with the crisis and through transferability elsewhere.
(54) The extremely controversial nature of this topic makes such a project of considerable practical as well as theoretical relevance.
(55) His books are still read, though more now for the nostalgia they generate than for their real-world relevance.
(56) But neither of these facts is of much relevance, for both apply to older children, not to suckling infants.
(57) Logical coherence has been gained at the expense of empirical relevance.
(58) Also, if you are a member of your employer's occupational pension scheme, these changes are of little relevance.
(59) Unfortunately, the ways in which these groups define relevance may vary widely.
(60) The obvious relevance to oceanography has already been mentioned, but it is far from being the only field of application.