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121. Method : We accept indwelling needle at vena saphena magna near medial malleolus and cephanus vena at wrist. 122. Results The olfactory bulb could be roughly divided into 6 layers from lateral to medial. 123. The cavernous venous spaces are found medial, inferior and inferolateral to the cavernous carotid artery and in 69 % , 43 % and 100 % sections respectively. 124. There are branches of saphenous nerve and medial dorsal cutaneous nerve on the flap. 125. Are Outcomes of Bimalleolar Fractures Poorer Than Those of Lateral Malleolar Fractures with Medial Ligamentous Injury? 126. In epimere poples from the medial to the lateral were popliteal artery, popliteal vein and tibial nerve, ranging from depth to surface in middle, hypomere and external poples. 127. The presence rate of anastomosis between the obturator artery and medial circumflex femoral artery was 95% within the gracilis, mostly in a microvascular anastomosis type. 128. The saphenous branch supplies the skin on the medial genicular region. 129. Discomfort in the medial or lateral tibiofemoral compartments is suggestive of more diffuse pathology. 130. The other bundle from PVN, the medial, descends through diencephalic periventricular gray, periaqueductal gray, floor of ventricle IV, SVC and medullary-spinal central gray. 131. CT scans and MRI showed enlargement of right medial rectus muscle. 132. Vulvar refers to female genitals, i. e. , genital exposed department, including pubic symphysis perineal and two strands to medial between organizations. 133. The medial plantar flap has sufficient bulkiness and a well skin color and texture match of the surrounding tissue. 134. The mamillo- thalamic projections arised from either the medial mammillary nucleus or the lateral mammillary nucleus. 135. The grey stripe down the middle of the glacier is called a medial moraine. It is formed when two glaciers flow into each other and join on their way downhill. 136. Objective : To provide anatomic evidence for clinical development of medial crural fasciocutaneous flap. 137. CONCLUSION:Binocular or monocular medial rectus muscle resection in treatment of convergence insufficiency concomitant exotropia has satisfactory effect. 138. The orbital periosteum is elevated from medial wall of the orbir. 139. Results:The anteroposterior imension of articular surface of medial condyle of femur was 62. 140. Again, I have not seen any evidence that any form of dual density soles are better than any other or that any kind of medial posts are better than any other. 141. The triangular septal nucleus and the septofimbrial nucleus project mainly to the medial habenular nucleus through stria medullaris and also to the diagonal band nucleus through the diagonal band. 142. The predatory of medial resistant variety was more effective to control rice planthopper. 143. We hypothesized that patients receiving a collagen meniscus implant would have better clinical outcomes than patients treated with partial medial meniscectomy alone. 144. Usually, the tarsal canal artery arises from the medial plantar artery, and the deltoid branch from the posterior tibial artery alone. 145. Results:The medial rectus subnucleus of the oculomotor nucleus distributed throughout the ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus, but clustered densely in the central to ventral region of it. 146. Angiography confirmed the presence of an AVF fed by the medial geniculate artery. 147. Results Group A had less medial canthus malposition and less eversion of the eyelid. 148. Results: In all 3 patients, dilation of a colonic stricture was accomplished by injection of infliximab, via the sclerotherapy technique, into the distal and medial portions of the stricture. 149. Method: Leg medial skin flap cross transposition was used for repairing contra - lateral leg bone exposure. 150. But they showed little activity in an area of the brain involved in self-regulation -- the medial prefrontal cortex and the temporoparietal junction -- as was seen in the control group.