paragraph造句211) Or, the reader may have merely skimmed the second paragraph and sent back an incomplete form.
212) This information should give you the courage to experiment with indented paragraph formats.
213) The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities.
214) When you move the cursor, the entire paragraph will adjust to that indentation.
215) Application With your students, read the paragraph and look at the labeled picture on the application sheet.
216) Using the same procedure, define and save a macro for the following paragraph.
217) You see, I find paragraph end markers to be useful, but I can do without the rest of the clutter.
218) When you want to use an indented paragraph format, you have sev-eral options.
219) I managed to get down the last two words of the preceding paragraph before my stomach over-boiled into my mouth.
220) Between thoughts? Probably not, or your paragraph will run like the Mississippi.
221) I must have made a strange sight, crumpled up on the floor trying to read that opening paragraph.
222) She held the envelope to the light, squinting at it with one eye while she tried to read the first paragraph.
223) Your final paragraph should summarize the main points of your essay.
224) The independent contractor may not be within the reach of the paragraph.
225) He withdrew it when it was agreed to omit the paragraph in its entirety.
226) If a mass of black ink has landed on the page, start breaking up that paragraph.
227) As always, play up your strongest points in the opening paragraph and refer to them as you go along.
228) Press Enter, press Shift-F7 twice, and type the next paragraph.
229) You need to write only one paragraph, but feel free to write more if you like.
230) Organising your essay in advance changes the process of writing a first paragraph.
231) If you must have an opening paragraph, then do this: write two or three alternatives.
232) N Note the support and educational measures intended to increase compliance with the Written Professional Standards set out in paragraph 71 above.
233) The personnel officer read out the relevant paragraph: Muriel is a hard worker and does well when working on her own.
234) At the beginning of each new paragraph she must summon her strength to overcome enormous resistances.
235) This is not meant to be the only way of constructing your opening paragraph.
236) To use an example from the previous paragraph, in no political system do all citizens have housing they would consider adequate.
237) A short summary of what you regard as your strong points makes an excellent final paragraph to distinguish you from other candidates.
238) The condition which the court imposed was in the very terms subsequently incorporated in paragraph 33 of Buckley J.'s order.
239) The dilemma is evident from the example given in the preceding paragraph.
240) Only tap Enter to start a new paragraph, after a heading, or to execute a command.