criterion造句(61) This would have involved giving the criterion of gender identity precedence over physiological criteria.
(62) The criterion moves closer to asking whether the courts believe that the exercise of discretion was reasonable.
(63) Intestinal metaplasia in four or more biopsy specimens was the main criterion for inclusion in the study.
(64) If a child is not able to meet this criterion, then the method is not appropriate.
(65) But the case of Auerbach merely serves to illustrate how ill-founded the criterion is.
(66) But they clearly were not the best of their time, and that should be the No. 1 voting criterion.
(67) Other researchers use less strict criteria and claim to find competence where Piagetians, using their criterion, do not.
(68) The extreme rationalist sees the decisions and choices of scientists as being guided by the universal criterion.
(69) This is in contrast with questions on criterion 2a: association of appropriate units with a length to be measured.
(70) Thus, most of the research they discuss does not even meet the criterion they chose for their review.
(71) Regional policy recommended closure only on the last criterion but there is a discrepancy between national ideology and local educational policy.
(72) Criteria Unless there is a quantitative criterion there is no objective, only a pious hope of better times.
(73) No preference was stated; recent personal knowledge was given as the criterion.
(74) The presence or absence of reflux symptoms was not used as a selection criterion for asthmatics.
(75) Indeed, it is the disinterested character of the reactions which is the criterion for being aware from other people's viewpoints.
(76) There will be no point telling speakers they are using prevaricate wrongly, because usage is the main criterion for meaning.
(77) Such a position is not just a correction of Kant but a fundamental rejection in favor of another and more adequate criterion.
(78) I regard the most important criterion as an improvement in the delivery of patient care by the hospital in question.
(79) Success is not guaranteed by applying this criterion of selection.
(80) The Manhattan Project, which ushered in the nuclear age with all its benefits and horrors, obviously fits this criterion.
(81) The basic criterion for survival is that the crushing strength be greater than the maximum aerodynamic pressure experienced during atmospheric entry.
(82) Every research study needs to be assessed on the criterion of whether it measures up to its own stated objectives.
(83) Are they going to take area rather than population as the criterion now?
(84) Patients catch on to the criterion after a short while and soon are hearing a yes after each card.
(85) Though it no longer has the same resonance, it remains an important criterion.
(86) This sort of response was also noted in the sample task for criterion 1a.
(87) To apply the social efficiency criterion the government needs information on social costs and benefits.
(88) I describe experiments making use of this criterion in the following chapter.
(89) User satisfaction is another criterion which may provide a more global measure to evaluate interactive online catalogues.
(90) Ratifying the Criteria Approval of each criterion by the practitioners is obtained through ratification.