快好知 kuaihz

(121) As for football, it also came under the hammer for the usual reasons. (122) The film was immensely popular and had so clearly struck a chord that Hammer carried out a rethink of its production policy. (123) The cistern of his lav is adorned with the hammer and sickle while the stars and stripes is also strategically placed. (124) She glanced at her own reflection in the mirror and the answer came with the suddenness of a hammer blow. (125) It brought another hammer blow to Britain's depressed farming industry. (126) In 1972 it failed to reach reserve price when it came under the hammer at auction. (127) Meanwhile detectives have revealed that his wife died from head injuries after being hit with a hammer. (128) You see, at the moment I have no desktop machine and not full-sized keyboard to hammer. (129) Often George came in at five o'clock in the morning to hammer away at the pirate ship in the carpenter's shop. (130) Put the Blob on the waxed paper and hit it with the hammer or rock. (131) The steam hammer seen here was his best known work. (132) Fifteen minutes later centre forward Quigg was left free to hammer the ball home from 20 yards. (133) He raised his fist and was about to hammer on the door when he heard sounds. (134) Next to this break room is an architectural model of a proposed Soviet building in the shape of the hammer and sickle. (135) Even when she later encountered more difficulties, she tried all sorts of positions, but never changed her grip on the hammer. (136) Treloar defeated Hammer in an earlier round and, in the final, they inflicted a heavy 184-87 defeat on Eagles. (137) From the hardware drawer in the kitchen I equipped myself with a hammer, a chisel, and a mean-looking screwdriver. (138) Its operating software costs almost nothing to market and sell; computer makers hammer on Microsoft's door to buy the stuff. (139) Hundreds of items go under the hammer to save a medieval manor. (140) Such speeds are far faster than any hammer blow and considerably faster than the flight of bullets. (141) He said the two men attacked him with a tyre lever,[www.] hammer and a craft knife. (142) If the strip becomes curled when you cut it, put it on a hard flat surface and hammer it flat. (143) Police say the victim was hit with a blunt instrument, possibly a hammer. (144) On Tuesday night, by way of diversion, we went off to see if the post hammer was ready. (145) It is important not to use conventional chucks for hammer drilling. (146) This is because the center of gravity of the hammer is in the iron part. (147) As the child subjected him to a solemn, no-nonsense appraisal, Ashley's heart began to hammer behind her ribs. (148) With the exact position established, the outline can be scored with sharp blows from a club hammer and bolster chisel. (149) John Henry threw his hammer and snuffed out the fuse. (150) The Plot John Henry was born with a hammer in his hand and was the strongest baby anybody had ever seen.