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121. Social self-confidence, physical self-confidence and the total scores of self-confidence scale played completely mediating role between students' domestic economy and student relations besetment . 122. But Mr. Schnabel , who once said of himself, "I'm the closest you'll get to Picasso in this life, " remains a painter of prodigious energy, productivity and self-confidence. 123. United States President Abraham Lincoln from childhood have an inferiority complex, he is overcome by self- deprecating self-esteem, develop their own self-confidence. 124. Schnabel , who once said of himself, "I'm the closest you'll get to Picasso in this life, " remains a painter of prodigious energy, productivity and self-confidence. 125. Women who take advantage of happenstance have competence, self-confidence, and the ability to take risks. They also have a strong support system. 126. Formative assessment, being conductive to the development of learners" self-direction, enhances students" self-confidence which helps students become effective self-directed learners. 127. This bubble chart, plotting body type, sex drive, and self-confidence, is dynamic —you can use the slider at the bottom change it. 128. Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable. 129. Skills learned: Diplomacy, adaptability, patience, performance underpressure, responsibility, self-confidence, strong work ethic. 130. By taking concrete actions that improve your competence, your self-image, you can increase that self-confidence, without the help of anyone else. 131. But now that you're a father, you can correct the self-image mistakes you made by instilling a sense of self-confidence into your children. 132. It reduces one's self-confidence and the spirit of enterprise, and, as a result of increasing egocentricity, narrows the mental horizon. 133. Everybody could find my self-confidence, sonsy manner, elegance, sweet smile and magnanimous grace, all these come from everybody's wisdom and loveliness. 134. At the end of each day of interviews with the girls, I'd emerge from my study punch-drunk from their undiluted self-confidence; the absolute cast-iron belief in the power of their own will. 135. He has never exhibited the self-confidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor. 136. "In the corporate world, there's a lot of emphasis on image, and image goes with self-confidence," says Antonio Armani, a Beverly Hills, Calif., cosmetic surgeon who specializes in hair transplants. 137. He also said that among some young Chinese success sometimes seems to have produced not so much national self-confidence as cockiness . 138. This sense of self-confidence and, indeed, smugness stem med from China's historical role in Asia. 139. Though King George VI was born blue-blooded, his family left him with no self-confidence or charisma. 140. Taking advantage of such Director to join at the snooker table, I find a little self-confidence, the art of peer-Peru took turns to clean up a large meal. 141. Liu prefers simple narrative style ebulliently painted in brilliant colours that reveals a certain self-confidence and naivety, as if seen through the distorted lens of Pieter Bruegel. 142. That is certainly true of America today as it struggles to cope with economic stagnation, enervating foreign wars and waning self-confidence. 143. How does ability let him become brave firm and bold have self-confidence, no longer so cowardly and recreant incapacity ? 144. The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence. 145. Self-confidence is to be sure of oneself and ones abilities. It is extremely important for all to be self-confident as it is the indispensable condition to their success. 146. However, self-confidence is important to learning because an unconfident person, no matter how intelligent, can not fulfill the task learning requires. 147. In fact, graceful bearing is a kind of habitual and natural action on the basis of full self-confidence and good cultural intention. 148. Heart of self-confidence of the lack when sexual life and concern are gravid wait, this kind of compunctious feeling and angst often also are impotent reason. 149. To stand unscreened yet unabashed, self-confessed before the world, --how could one withhold belief in the face of such supreme self-confidence? 150. Firstly, collect the information about time management, self-confidence and self-consistency, trying to grasp the theories and assessing method.