快好知 kuaihz

1. There is often no clear distinction between an allergy and food intolerance. 2. This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal. 3. I have an allergy to cats. 4. He developed an allergy to pollen. 5. The patient had an allergy to penicillin. 6. These are classical examples of food allergy. 7. Hay fever is caused by an allergy to pollen. 8. I have an allergy to animal hair. 9. Is the allergy tied to dairy products, for example? 10. Many substances give false positive reactions in allergy skin testing. 11. Frequently sufferers of this kind of allergy are also sufferers of asthma. 12. Are there ideal cats for allergy sufferers? 13. He's going to have an allergy kit there. 14. Some individuals develop an allergy to the jewelry piece. 15. She has developed a random allergy to certain words. 16. Unless you have a specific allergy, there is no great harm in taking something to relieve an isolated headache. 17. But doctors specializing in the treatment of food allergy and intolerance would disagree. 18. Overall, the evidence suggests that IgE-mediated allergy probably can affect the brain, either directly or indirectly. 19. Here, an allergy to chloroform was successfully treated using a homoeopathic preparation of chloroform. 20. They include some of the symptoms of allergy: Disturbances of the stomach and intestinal tract, such as stomach ache. 21. Hay fever is really an allergy to pollen and the peak time is early June. 22. At this time, the consensus is that food allergy is not a proven etiologic agent in migraine. 23. Explain that you have an allergy to certain foods and that these will trigger a reaction. 24. It was this early exposure to wheat protein which led to the allergy. 25. It's natural, promotes your child's growth and helps to protect against allergy and infection. 26. It is also planning to expand services at the Wimpole Street medical centre to include allergy and sexually-transmitted disease clinics. 27. Doctors call this reaction chronic inflammation to distinguish it from the immediate, acute reaction or injury or allergy. 28. People were sneezing all over the place as if it were the heart of allergy season. 29. Irritation can also be caused by inflammation such as when we suffer from a cold or allergy. 30. Many substances, particularly food extracts, often give false positive reactions in allergy skin testing.