快好知 kuaihz

1. Medical supplies are being flown in under the aegis of the Red Cross. 2. Medical supplies are being sent under the aegis of the Red Cross. 3. The project was set up under the aegis of the university. 4. The space programme will continue under the aegis of the armed forces. 5. Now, the Pentagon may cast Aegis ships as part of a ballistic missile defense network favored by Cohen. 6. Of 15 new Arleigh Burker destroyers with Aegis radar systems, about half will be built at Bath. 7. And under the aegis of the Duke, a powerful protector, Strayhorn was able to live an openly gay life. 8. The refugee camp operates under the aegis of the UN. 9. They are thought to be under the aegis of the Soviet military. 10. His breastplate was the aegis, awful to behold; his bird was the eagle, his tree the oak. 11. Is original U aegis also as usual is used? 12. Devoid of others aegis besides work. 13. Fixed Aegis dropping when using - switch. 14. Kish is first capital under the aegis of Ninurta. 15. Icbc net electronic password and U aegis need cost? 16. A conference under the aegis of the United Nations. 17. Keluotuo these pieces of clothing to come, let Aegis type sent to Nova. 18. Minerva depicted herself with helmed head, her Aegis covering her breast. 19. Germany came back under the aegis of a new National Olympic Committee (NOC), that of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). East German had also created a new NOC but did not send any athletes. 20. Wyvern Aegis: Instantly increases player's P. Def and M. Def. Power 3. Can only be used when on a wyvern. Uses 20 spirit ore. 21. Fixed an issue with unIt'selection when respawning with Aegis while controlling other units. 22. It was agreed that I would go with them under the aegis of Bhopal ji who immediately understood photographic requirements. 24. Would Labour and the Liberal Democrats, even under the aegis of an independent Commission, do otherwise? 25. More often than not, racial themes enter the conversation of the YCs under the aegis of fun. 26. Thus the relinquishing of violence can only be achieved as part of work on ourselves under the aegis of Esotericism. 27. Within it the areas devoted to each will be under the aegis of the respective heads of departments. 28. The U.S. Navy conducted media tours Friday of its U.S.S. Chafee Aegis Destroyer, docked in South Korea as part of an annual joint military drill with the South's forces. 29. Figures like Martin Luther and John Calvin recognized marriage as a civil matter, a worldly affair, and not under the aegis of the church. 30. She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer, under the aegis of Boris Ford.