快好知 kuaihz

1, Marriage and children are the bedrock of family life. 2, Mutual trust is the bedrock of a relationship. 3, Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. 4, The poor suburbs traditionally formed the bedrock of the party's support. 5, Some people believe that the family is the bedrock of society. 6, They form the bedrock of the Association's existence. 7, Tales of disappointment form the bedrock of Sage's story. 8, They form the bedrock of our economic planet. 9, Facts are the bedrock of any trial. 10, Some bedrock mineralisation has been found. 11, They formed the bedrock of the college's Black Student Society,[http:///bedrock.html] which regularly invited guest speakers and performers. 12, But this group are the bedrock of the institution - and as such should figure prominently in our prayers. 13, Does the bedrock constitutional principle of equal protection for all require affirmative action, merely allow it, or even prohibit it? 14, The concepts inherent in this right are the bedrock upon which the principles of self-determination and individual autonomy are based. 15, And underlying all is the bedrock agreement on the goal and on the importance of that goal. 16, The issue is that these misperceptions form the bedrock of development decisionmaking. 17, An emphasis on oral history remains the bedrock of the plan for which 1 argue in this book. 18, Mr Kinnock described the health service as the bedrock of Britain and health care as an inalienable right of citizenship. 19, Water may enter the soil or bedrock simply through percolation through interconnected voids between particles under the force of gravity. 20, The interface between weathered material and unweathered bedrock is known as the weathering front. 21, Chemical weathering was beginning to attack the unweathered bedrock. 22, They accepted that this often meant dissuading him from acting on his bedrock convictions because of the political costs involved. 23, The design specifications had called for the columns to rest on bedrock that supported a weight of seven tons per square foot. 24, On the representational theory nothing can be prior to a mental representation - the bedrock of thought is representational. 25, It was impossible to have history painting without the human figure and the idealised heroic male nude body was its bedrock. 26, His whole thrust is to produce an easily understood bedrock upon which the specific nuances of particular organizations can be built. 27, All of the land swept by the floods was stripped absolutely to bedrock. 28, In fact, some of the footings had rested on soil, not bedrock. 29, The flight from the countryside has compounded the misery of the urban poor, traditionally the bedrock of Sandinista support. 30, A stable soil soaks up water, and allows acid to break up bedrock and create more soil.