phenomena造句121. In natural science, we study the phenomena of the world around us, the world of things, of objects.
122. However, the speed with which copycat phenomena sometimes appear gives no scope for video nasties being the link.
123. All the phenomena to be described under the section Complex Partial Seizures strongly suggest a temporal lobe origin.
124. Generally, different theories are used to explain widely different phenomena, from the forces in the atom to gravity.
125. It investigates phenomena which range in size from subatomic particles to the universe itself.
126. Second, note that such phenomena continued in the patristic period, at least in some circles.
127. Phenomena such as loss of control and craving are seen as inevitable.
128. Thus I was only too aware that the realities of psychic phenomena were somewhat exaggerated by these treatments.
129. There are, of course, profound disagreements between Marxist and elite writers as to the causal factors generating this phenomena.
130. Why might an attempt to explain a particular set of phenomena flounder?
131. These phenomena show up as excess noise, distortion and reduced tube life.
132. Indeed, it may well serve to do some injustice and violence to the integrity of the substantive phenomena.
133. More often than not, to account for linguistic phenomena we require diverse kinds of information from different components of a grammar.
134. Secondly, a research programme should lead to the discovery of novel phenomena at least occasionally.
135. It would be most unwise at present to rely solely on luminescence interpretations of geological phenomena.
136. Much the most coherent explanation for the evolution of such phenomena is still Charles Darwin's.
137. Econometrics Econometrics is the science of mathematical analysis of economic phenomena.
138. Deaths in detention are not phenomena of the distant past: last year two people were reported as having died in custody.
139. Evidence has accumulated that several autoimmune phenomena are present in ulcerative colitis patients.
140. Many traditionally fortean phenomena have since come to roost in the world of science.
141. The vascular endothelium may be essential for the occurence of inflammatory or immunological phenomena.
142. It is not hard to see how these two phenomena might, as it were[http://], assist an ice age on its way.
143. As he examined the biosphere in succeeding years, he added more complex phenomena to the list of life-made.
144. In order to confirm or disprove the phenomena, certain criteria have to be decided in order for the theory to have any value.
145. The illogical, unlikely and physically impossible are treated as natural phenomena.
146. I believe that they provide one pointer, indicating a certain essential role for quantum mechanics in the understanding of mental phenomena.
147. The sounds they produce utilize different timbres and wavelengths to imitate cries and evoke natural entities and phenomena.
148. He argued that such a philosophical position could not cope with the phenomena of dreams and especially hypnosis.
149. Our aim instead is to enhance the understanding and enjoyment of sports by examining these phenomena.
150. Those interested in functional explanations of linguistic phenomena ought then to have a considerable interest in the systematics of face-to-face interaction.