spontaneously造句61. From these findings and from the clinical course, we concluded that the fragments had passed spontaneously into the duodenum.
62. They make a delightful, spontaneously spellbound audience, to whom one could show history unfolding as if with a magic lantern.
63. This is occurring spontaneously, but not at a rate which significantly affects the dense clusters further north.
64. Their own spontaneously appointed stewards kept the demonstration orderly and on arrival at their destination they won a partial victory.
65. There is a massive file cabinet stuffed with documents so old and densely packed they may be ready to ignite spontaneously.
66. To predict whether a reaction will occur spontaneously or not it is necessary to introduce another thermodynamic state function called entropy.
67. How is it possible for endothermic processes to occur spontaneously, and will a given reaction occur spontaneously?
68. The human counterparts of those aliens woke up spontaneously.
69. These images surface spontaneously in dreams.
70. The freeze front will regress spontaneously.
71. A real or virtual photon may spontaneously annihilate.
72. The aneurysm regressed spontaneously after the ensuing five months.
73. Human triploid fetuses are usually spontaneously aborted.
74. The spots will spontaneously disappear when incretion is adjusted.
75. The nitrogen atoms combine instantaneously , simultaneously and spontaneously.
76. He was never spontaneously warm or friendly towards us.
77. Moreover, piperlongumine potently inhibits the growth of spontaneously formed malignant breast tumours and their associated metastases in mice.
78. What is radioactive?In the natural world, where the atomic nucleus unstable, can spontaneously emit radiation, some time into other elements atomic nucleus elements called radioelement .
79. This paper introduces the indirect tail-cuff method for determining systolic arterial pressure in unanesthetized normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).
80. The celestial pole corresponded to the position of the emperor on earth, around whom the vast system of the bureaucratic agrarian state naturally and spontaneously revolved.
81. Two patients had hepatic vein stenoses that were treated by balloon dilatation; 1 patient had bile leak, which settled spontaneously.
82. Hemoptysis stopped spontaneously after conservative treatments and anti - tuberculous therapy.
83. This cytologic diagnosis is common and frequently associated with spontaneously resolving, self - limited disease.
84. Type of radioactive disintegration (see radioactivity) in which some unstable atomic nuclei dissipate excess energy by spontaneously ejecting an alpha particle.
85. Radioactivity refers to the phenomenon of emitting ionizing radiation when a radionuclide spontaneously disintegrates.
86. The research showed Aniline aerofloat decomposed spontaneously in very small extent.
87. Conclusions. Use of 3 induced sputum samples was more sensitive than use of 3 gastric washings for diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients who could not expectorate spontaneously.
88. Imagine a sun, luminous, clear, unobstructed , and spontaneously present; its nature is like this.
89. Ootid divided spontaneously into 2 and 4 cell proembryo and multicell globular proembryo. In the end it developed into apomixis embryo.
90. Then, several chemical transformations occur: the glycine forms a chemical bond with the serine, forming a new closed ring, which then spontaneously dehydrates .