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121. When supporting write access to this integrated view, the federation server must synchronize the manipulation of data in the various sources into a logical unit of work. 122. The NOC separated from the All - China Sports Federation in 1979. 123. By 492 votes to 391, the federation voted to maintain the status quo. 124. The International Federation of Phonographic Industries plans to step up action against unauthorized music file-sharing by taking offenders to court. 125. Scenarios that result in large intermediate result sets being moved from the target data sources to the federation server may have significant performance implications. 126. Noncommunicable disease mortality among FSU immigrants to Israel is lower than in the population of the Russian Federation. 127. Victory Day is an apex of glory to the history of Russian Federation. 128. The friends of Chinese National Federation of Trade Unions are always regardful of my marriage. Thank you. I have enough wise eyes to judge which gentleman fit me. 129. BUYER is an EXCLUSIVE Distributor of SUPPLIERs products in Russian Federation for 6 months from the date of signing of the Agreement. 130. Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo could unravel the rump Federation of Yugoslavia. 131. It functions as the official residence of the president of the Russian Federation. 132. The American Federation of Labor is a federal organization of labor unions. 133. The world governing body is the IAAF ( I , DoubleA, F ) The International Amateur Athletic Federation. 134. In order to commemorate Newton's contribution, the International Astronomy Federation decided that names 662 planetoids as the Newton planetoid. 135. The trade deals were opposed by groups including the afl-cio, the largest U.S. labor federation and a frequent Democratic ally. 136. Competition is managed by the OCOG Competition Managers, while the technical control and direction of the competition is the responsibility of the relevant International Federation. 137. The international table tennis federation reformed set-point rules from hundred-year-long 21points per set to 11 points in 2001. 138. Another example is Meng Yung - chien , deputy director of the All - China Federation of Supply and Marketing Co - operatives. 139. The federation says a turkey usually has about seventy percent white meat. 140. According to the International Federation of Phonographic Industries, which represents the global record makers, 99 percent of the music downloaded in China violates copyrights. 141. Following his lead, the Russian Communist Party will cover 1,000 billboards this week with Stalin's mustachioed face and his saying, "The Victory is up to us! Communist Party of Russian Federation." 142. the International Tennis Federation. 143. SUF is a member of IFIA, the International Federation of Inventors Associations. 144. By leveraging advanced query processing capabilities, the federation server can optimally distribute the workload among the federation server itself and the various sources. 145. Part IV is the monographic study on East African customs union and East African Federation; the two aspects are discussed in more detail to the East African Community Development and achievements. 146. Where XQuery and XSLT overlap is in the problems they solve: transformation of XML data, federation of XML collections, and advanced query of XML data. 147. In March 1994, Bosniaks and Croats reduced the number of warring factions from three to two by signing an agreement creating a joint Bosniak-Croat Federation of BH. 148. He had convinced himself that a "central agency" was behind attacks against Scientology, and his suspicion focused on the World Federation for Mental Health. 149. New features of the calendar include federation and a horizontal scroll bar. 150. In Sierra Club v. Costle, 657 F .2 d 298 ( D. C . Cir.1981 ), however, the court distinguished D. C Federation.