inclined造句121. As a result, she is further inclined to suppress her originality and to deny true awareness by finding less demoralizing substitutes.
122. Toby, next morning, was inclined to regard it as a great victory.
123. He'd always been inclined to thinness but now he looked scrawny, and much older.
124. The trouble is that various worldly pressures will make you more, not less, inclined to play it safe.
125. Still, when he makes a statement such as you refer to, I would be inclined to believe him.
126. Those who strongly doubt whether the cost-benefit exercise can be adequately performed are more inclined to a rules based or structural approach.
127. Some heads were temperamentally and intellectually less inclined than others to perceive education in terms of grand statements and ringing slogans.
128. The Montagu case left homosexuals in Britain nervous and more inclined to circumspect behaviour.
129. Rain was thinking that Barbara Coleman was not only a chatterbox but inclined to be dramatic, too.
130. This drop was overcome by means of an inclined plane, up and down which the loaded barges were carried on trolleys.
131. Anyone inclined to mock this suggestion should note that the armed services are perhaps the most respected institution in Britain today.
132. Looking this way at myself, I am less inclined to brood over whatever blessings may have been withheld.
133. The news media are increasingly inclined to engage in, or report on, the verbal brawl.
134. Lewis was inclined to ground his grudging acceptance of democracy on the doctrine of original sin.
135. Yet I'd be inclined to play the extra batsman, going for the experience of Hashan Tillekaratne.
136. The new ecologists were particularly inclined to stress the interactions between the different species making up the population of each area.
137. Indeed, we are inclined firmly to the view that this is generally the case.
138. So, the government was not inclined to insist on equal treatment.
139. People will be more inclined to hold speculative balances of money in anticipation of a rise in interest rates.
140. Workers would probably have been less inclined to support them if their protests had met with reasoned discussion rather than tear gas.
141. Born in 1818, he had been educated under the supervision of the liberally inclined Romantic poet Vasilii Zhukovskii.
142. We should, however, be inclined to suspect condensation on the outside wall.
143. If you feel inclined to try them both, be prepared for some wrestling in your system settings.
144. Regretfully I see in him a nature inclined to harshness and rigour, with little tenderness and forthrightness.
145. Most people are not inclined to do what they do believe is right and just.Dr T.P.Chia
146. She has a more middlebrow talent than his, and therefore seems less inclined toward introspection and reiteration.
147. In the prognathous head the long axis is horizontal, or slightly inclined ventrally, while the mouthparts are anterior in position.
148. I am inclined to doubt it, but let us not linger, and consider instead the second premiss of the argument.
149. Or did he, as some are inclined to think, actually invent it?
150. The public and the Congress are inclined toward less federal involvement in the lives of people and the conduct of business.