donkey造句61. It hung limply from the tubercular shoulders of its master like a wet rag on a cardboard donkey.
62. The man in the donkey jacket began to walk towards the back door.
63. Hence the donkey work is taken out of learning how to set everything up.
64. His family were shown outside, loading a donkey and preparing with sad looks for their journey into exile.
65. Lizzie, bouncing along on the donkey, made a comical sight.
66. Some analysts express concern that the new systems will be less secure and incapable of doing donkey work like batch processing.
67. It is your hope that because of your faith in St Francis he will help you and heal your donkey.
68. Ashley glanced up to see that, at long last, the donkey carts had shifted and the traffic had begun to flow.
69. I even drew a donkey playing and a devil dancing.
70. The donkey threw its rider to the ground in a dozen different, hilarious ways.
71. Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
72. My favourite moment of that visit was seeing Jennifer the donkey.
73. One particular form of easel is actually known as a donkey.
74. Jane would light the fire, turn the heating on, put the horses and donkey out and do the shopping.
75. Police in Ballymoney, Co Antrim, yesterday confirmed the donkey was stolen.
76. The lone cyclist, the donkey rider heading for a distant horizon: wherever they are going the eye can not follow.
77. One of the joys of the Atlas is the availability of mules to do the donkey work of load carrying.
78. They did not want to wait until the Messiah came riding on his donkey.
79. The donkey decided to go to Bremen, a town where everyone played music.
80. Which makes it the bargain of the week or a disposable donkey of a release, depending on your perspective.
81. When he made his rounds on a light-gray donkey, people bowed their heads and dared not look at his face.
82. But now a donkey brayed and the faint chant of women drifted with wood smoke from the town.
83. There is an old saying that whipping a donkey will do no good if it's running as fast as it can.
84. There was a swimming pool and a distant view of the donkey field.
85. In some parts of the world you may still see the male peasant riding his donkey as his wife walks alongside.
86. The place was stark yet intensely present. Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
87. There's already too much liquidity. donkey can raise money.
88. That is the donkey boiler.
89. "That no-good lazy donkey!" said he.
90. China travel, Inner Mongolia, Horqin, Donkey cart.