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1. The orchestra played with great panache. 2. The BBC Symphony Orchestra played with great panache. 3. She carried off the performance with panache. 4. They played and sang with great panache. 5. He dressed with panache. 6. Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'dexpect. 7. She wore her clothes with typical Italian panache. 8. She dresses with great panache. 9. Pappano conducted the symphony with great panache. 10. But is there a predictable pattern behind their panache? 11. Then, with considerable panache and dignity she held the flaming papers high in her hands until they disappeared in smoke. 12. This high style comes from Panache Fresh and simply stunning. 12.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 13. The cannons are played with panache yet with the heart on the sleeve. 14. In the womenswear industry, designers can offer panache without absurdity through color, varying hemlines, adornment and more. 15. It was played with panache and authority, well controlled throughout yet with poetic feeling; very satisfying to the listener. 16. The performance didn't have the panache you expect from a chart-topping rock band. 17. To serve with nouvellecuisine panache, pour a pool of strawberry sauce on to each of four plates. 18. It lacks the vision, the panache, the self-confidence it once had under Mrs Thatcher, before she went sour. 19. Or, town of innovation, planning and panache? 20. Talley Beatty was recruited by Parham as a guest artist to lend the extra panache of a star to the event. 21. The national strategy unit, led by Howard Webber and Tim Challans, has fused its contrary voices with diplomatic panache. 22. With no more resources than Charles Surface, he entertained London society with great panache and little regard for mounting debts. 23. There is a consensus in the City that the Ranks Hovis management lacks both panache and strategic direction. 24. She went out to cat nearly every evening and could open a menu and order with panache. 25. Should I scrap upper case and dash ahead with lower-case panache to show myself a proper mistress of the form? 26. For nobody, back at base, can now argue that I am failing to complete the contract with panache and style. 27. She could innovate and experiment, which she did, with real panache and obvious enjoyment. 28. Tina Wilkinson's striking vocals dart over the aggressive and exuberant title track with charismatic panache. 29. You know, as in, which one bore more excitement and panache. 30. And far from being luxurious, it had all the style and panache of a Formica worktop.