快好知 kuaihz

1) The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds. 2) A blush suffused his cheeks. 3) A dull red flush suffused Selby's face. 4) Her face was suffused with colour. 5) The room was suffused with a soft golden light. 6) Hot colour suffused her cheeks. 7) She was suffused with happiness. 8) His voice was low and suffused with passion. 9) Her eyes were suffused with warm, excited tears. 10) The evening sky was suffused with crimson. 11) Looking at his photo,her eyes were suffused with tears. 12) Colour suffused her face. 13) This book is suffused with Shaw's characteristic wry Irish humour. 14) Catholic values suffuse the state's approach to all issues. 15) In breeding plumage white of body suffused pink. 16) The place was suffused with struggle and resentment and frustration. Petty crime was commonplace. 17) The tail is suffused with a yellow ochre colouring, and the scale patterning on the upper body is ornamental. 18) Let it suffuse your entire body! 19) At twilight, the sky is suffuse with color. 20) Flowers that suffuse and fall. 21) How rays of pure light suffuse you! 22) Glitter, glamour, and affection galore could suffuse the atmosphere, due to a rendezvous between Venus and Neptune, the planet of enchantment. 23) As the sun went down the whole sky became suffused with a red glow. 24) She read the first two pages and felt a blush rise from her palpitating bosom up her neck to suffuse her face. 25) They insure up to the hilt, yet worries about money, health and security suffuse daily life. 26) Each flavor remained distinct in this dish, yet was perfectly complemented by the gentle orange essence that suffused it. 27) It is kept very warm - a real relief from the biting cold outside - and suffuses a strong feeling of tranquillity. 28) The carapace of the vent crab is porcelain white suffused with lavender, the claws manicured black at the tips. 29) They want to move everyone with their behaviors and suffuse the world with love. 30) Expect that empathy and love for the rhythms of Indonesian life to suffuse their sophomore recording, due later this year.