assertion造句91, When you make an assertion, what you are doing is telling your reader something you think is true.
92, A state of the blocks world is portrayed as an assertion, formed with predicate symbols.
93, This assertion is made in a new report by the Washington-based think tank, Resources for the Future.
94, This may mean ignoring the frequent assertion by critics that in adventure stones character must be subordinate to action.
95, This thesis subverts the commonsensible assertion related to time.
96, It'suffices to prove the second assertion.
97, It follows that your assertion is false.
98, This assertion rests on a misunderstanding.
99, This dark assertion will be illuminated later on.
100, A declarative sentence makes an assertion or a statement.
101, This article summarizes the follow - up and operation assertion and the relations of between ICD and antiarrhythmic - drugs.
102, His wife's assertion that he is innocent will ( surely ) be accepted.
103, Ask A if he can recommend a scout a potential new assertion to the backroom staff.
104, B . Assertion expression values can be any primitive type.
105, Their "community" strictly avoids sexual relations with those that could die as a result (chickens are a no-no) and central to their literature is their assertion that they never initiate sex.
106, An assertion that pertains to a point immediately following, in the execution sequence, a specified portion of a program.
107, This code relies on the assertion statement to handle the error condition.
108, This kind of assertion seems to require special language extensions and has led people to suggest introducing first-order predicate calculus.
109, Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.
110, Bitchiness properly nurtured turns into healthy assertion, which all people need.
111, The character which when preceded by an escape character represents the non - word boundary assertion.
112, Next, you establish a business assertion relating two businesses, A and B, whose respective businessKeys are simplified here to businessKeyA and businessKeyB instead of the typical UUID format.
113, Irish Enterprise Minister Batt O'Keeffe said a bailout has not been discussed and rejected the assertion that there is a "crisis."
114, Roon's assertion about the British plan to land in Norway is correct.
115, Lastly, in line 18 an assertion statement is issued to determine the success or failure of a test case.
116, It is thus a properly Nietzschean paradox that the greatest lose in this apparent assertion of Life against all transcendent Causes is actual life itself.
117, And from this arises unsuitability, the assertion of temperaments and desires, and so there is fear and placation.
118, An assertion statement specifies a condition that you expect to hold true at some particular point in your program.
119, That gravity and acceleration through space produce identical physical effects is the remarkable assertion of the principle of Equivalence.
120, To define the Other as the locus of the word, is to say that its nothing other than the locus where an assertion is posited as veracious.