lengthy造句61. The teacher can often save lengthy explanation by carefully constructing a diagram or chart which encapsulates the main points of a lesson.
62. Later, he tried to call the reporter near the holidays, and even wrote a lengthy poem.
63. That allows the recipient to visit the site by clicking on the icon instead of typing a lengthy address.
64. The second point, which requires a more lengthy discussion, concerns the changing social composition of the electorate.
65. Charity commissioners admit they have been in lengthy discussions with Jansen's solicitors about her position with the charitable foundation.
66. These were avoided, as the homeless mentally ill tend to have a low toleration for lengthy interviews.
67. It's likely she could face lengthy physiotherapy and recovery may be slow.
68. Herrema's release after a lengthy siege followed an agreement with his kidnappers, signed by Garvey but repudiated by the gardai.
69. This could mean the difference between minutes or even hours of work for lengthy reports and proposals.
70. It was impossible to treat all parliamentary candidates alike without being either wholly uninformative or inordinately lengthy.
71. Park officials defended their care of Yaka, insisting she died of natural causes after a lengthy illness.
72. The accused, Eddie Gilfoyle, 32, listened attentively to the lengthy discussions.
73. He's alleged to have stabbed him to death following a lengthy legal dispute over access to children.
74. There followed a lengthy discussion on how best to assist future volunteers.
75. Robinson begins the lengthy questionnaire, speaking in a sympathetic tone that is disarmingly neutral.
76. Lengthy research went on to find suitable precedents but the overriding consideration was the position of Lloyd George and the Liberals.
77. This restrictive covenant is often included in village or rural sites and can result in lengthy delays and extreme frustration.
78. Prosperity, too, had been the product of small enterprises and a lengthy consumer boom financed by credit.
79. Slower varieties maturing in two months or more need to be sown in July to ensure a lengthy October harvest.
80. Even the lengthy deliberations of the convention were cognizant of sound weather planning, namely, finishing before winter arrived.
81. Detectives arrested the suspect at his home in Toxteth after a lengthy cat-and-mouse game involving surveillance experts.
82. The developer, in turn, sued the city and Pilachowski, setting off a lengthy legal battle.
83. Seven new top-level domain names have been agreed on after lengthy deliberations.
84. The procedures for bringing a body back for burial are lengthy and complex.
85. It immobilized a lot of capital for a lengthy period, and was not without dangers.
86. Earlier this month, he sent a lengthy letter to Susan K.
87. In recent months, Milhoan has written lengthy rebuttals to senior Navy officials in hopes of overturning his dismissal.
88. Specifically, it often meant not permitting Louisa to escape from lengthy homework assignments that involved a lot of writing.
89. Moreover, the gold market's lengthy depression has made it particularly susceptible to a bull raid.
90. Parretti had a lengthy criminal record that included fraud and conspiracy to commit bodily harm.