impostor造句 31. This one is not a true clone, but a clone impostor. 32. I could just pose as an impostor, and it'd be a lot easier. 33. First of all, you're probably wondering about the impostor s alpha channel. 34. This man is an impostor, who has stolen my throne. 35. Add an illegitimately obtained Social Security or credit-card number, and an impostor has almost as solid a case for claiming to be someone as the real person does.英文造句in every respectcool-headedsilver medalovertaxanti-war movementpacific northwestnon-interventionin processsternoclavicularalaskanantirheumaticEMPbeyond all doubtrecalibrationclavefoul uphave a hand inpeel outairframepopularisationgumshoeproduct supportmix innixieoverbidrephrasingparamyxovirussecretary-generalsmoothened