快好知 kuaihz

1 I was very disobedient towards my father. 2 The parents punished their disobedient child. 3 That disobedient boy is a pest. 4 The cruel captain used a scourge on his disobedient sailor. 5 The disobedient boy was ordered out of the room. 6 She jumps on her children instantly if they're disobedient. 7 I was very disobedient to my father. 8 It grieves me to hear how disobedient you've been. 9 The mother corrected the disobedient child. 10 His father switched him when he was disobedient. 11 The mischievous student has been disobedient to his mother since he was a child. 12 Lee stood before her like a disobedient schoolboy. 13 The nonpartisan, nonviolent and civilly disobedient El Barzon has been hit with mass arrests of its leaders. 14 In other words, how disobedient will women's studies be in the 1980s? 15 She said that if we were disobedient she would send us home immediately. 16 He is a pleasant child, but often rowdy, disobedient and rough with others. 17 The disobedient youth has been injected with an experimental drug, though of course his tactile sensations aren't blunted. 18 Olwyn is noisy, disobedient, has tantrums when things do not go her own way, and is violent towards Katie. 19 Ever since, man is seen as a disobedient creature, who is sinful. 20 The father corrected the disobedient child. 21 I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful. 22 That was a cautionary tale for disobedient children. 23 To disobedient company the worker amerce of overwork requirement breaks the law. 24 Her tone was that of a parent to a disobedient child. 25 Parents who do not detect an intermittent hearing loss can become irritable and controlling and label their child as disobedient and unresponsive. 26 So leaders, and their followers on the frontiers of empire, often looked like disobedient and violent men. 27 If ever I felt I had been rude to her or disobedient, I always felt ashamed. 28 In this way did Mutt read the riot act to Albert and his disobedient friends. 29 Acts 26:19 Therefore , King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. 30 In the thymus , immature T cells undergo a strict "education" in which they are programmed to not react strongly (and therefore harmfully) to any bodily tissues. Disobedient cells are destroyed.