快好知 kuaihz

61. The Little brown bat can emit such an intense sound. 62. The work cycle of the processor starts when it is necessary to emit a sound. 63. The long, plastic, trumpet-shaped vuvuzela was found to emit an ear piercing noise of 127 decibels – louder than a lawnmower (90 decibels) and a chainsaw (100 decibels). 64. Slashing through the sea, planing on their sides and exposing their massive silver-colored flanks, the large females each expel tens of millions of eggs, and the males emit clouds of milt. 65. Conversely, when forests cleared or die back because of global warming, they emit carbon. 66. Ultra - violet visible spectrum, but why does an ultra - violet lamp emit violet colored light? 67. In the good old days, you accomplished this task by manually instrumenting each function to emit a unique symbol at its entry point and at each of its exit points. 68. Both mechanical damage and insect herbivory make plants emit damage-induced volatiles which not only have the functions of indirect and direct defenses but also can server as interplant. 69. Emit four vertical line and three horizontal line, plumb below point. 70. In this example, we only provide simple editing facilities, so we need never emit this signal. 71. You can configure your message flows to emit events that carry transaction monitoring, auditing, or business payload. 72. They also emit UHF waves of 225 - 400 MHz. 73. Emit two vertical line and one horizontal line, plumb below point. 74. She says that all you do is burp, fart, dribble, grin inanely and emit a series if unintelligible noises. 75. America's stance on global warming infringes against basic human rights for every person to better his life and attempts to create a privilege class allowed to emit global warming gases. 76. Conversely, when forests are cleared or die back because of global warming, they emit carbon. 77. To emit ( an utterance or a sound ) loudly and harshly. 78. To function as a laser; emit coherent radiation by the action of a laser. 79. Second, mode-locked lasers emit trains of pulses at a very regular rate, called the repetition rate. 79.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 80. Suppose the speakers both emit a pure sinusoidal sound wave of constant frequency. 81. NIST scientists use lasers that emit about 1 billion pulses per second. 82. The sandwich complexes formed emit a detectable signal from the spot. 83. Next, let's reverse the operation to emit the number with a currency symbol and commas to separate hundreds, thousands, and millions. 84. If you want to amount to something, you must seize time by the forelock, lay siege to optimal choice and let promethean fire emit light and heat. 85. Photoconductor antennas irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses can emit electromagnetic waves at the terahertz (THz) bandgap, which has been studied extensively and used widely as a terahertz source. 86. Executing processes in the ESB emit events that can be correlated to business activities in the WBI Monitor. 87. The aim is to develop power stations that emit less of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 88. These products natively send events without adapters or instrumenting code to emit Common Base Events. 89. Ship operations emit nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and hazardous pollutants into the air. 90. Radar range resolution is influenced by its bandwidth, in order to obtain high range resolution, radar must emit wideband waveform.