快好知 kuaihz

1. He always speaks in obscure legal jargon. 2. Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English? 3. The jargon in his talk was opaque to me. 4. The offer was couched in legal jargon. 5. "All necessary means" is diplomatic jargon for "war". 6. Keep it simple and avoid the use of jargon. 7. Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider. 8. Try to avoid using too much technical jargon. 9. APEC seems be drowning in an ocean of jargon. 10. She uses so much jargon I can never understand her explanations. 11. We had to wade through pages of legal jargon before we could sign the contract. 12. Can someone translate this legal jargon into plain English for me? 13. This article's so full of jargon it's just double Dutch to me. 14. A lot of the jargon they use is unintelligible to outsiders. 15. The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses. 16. We might borrow here from military jargon. 17. Oil is, in economic jargon, inelastic. 18. What does all this jargon mean? 19. Using legal or scientific jargon to dazzle. 20. Jargon words usually sound ugly and unintelligible to outsiders./jargon.html 21. I had expected to be lost in jargon. 22. It is essential to avoid the use of jargon. 23. Ed tends to overuse management jargon. 24. One person's jargon is another's technical language. 25. The high-tech industry, for example, is loaded with jargon. 26. This special, or technical, vocabulary is known as jargon. 27. The leaflet was written in jargon that would have been totally incomprehensible to anyone outside the profession. 28. You need someone to help you cut through all the irritating legal jargon. 29. The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head. 30. They help take the guesswork out of tax law by translating convoluted jargon into plain-folks language.